Inflation hypnosis videos [Question]

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HeliumBubblegum's picture
Inflation hypnosis videos [Question]

Hello everyone. So as it says in the title, this little dumb question is dedicated to that. Those who have watched it, whats your experience? Did it work? (Like did you just get the feeling of swelling/thinking that your body is swelling [which doesn´t irl]) or was it just a waste of time?

Thought of giving it a try but was unsure so yeah just wanted to check. Thanks.

dewj's picture

While I've personally not had any effects while in trance, I do know several people that have. My recommendation is to start on something simple like not being able to say your name or not being able to move your feet and work up from there to inflation videos. I'd also start with stuff in trance then go to post hypnotic suggestions. If you can, find someone who can do live sessions, either in person or online. Those will be your best bet. With all that said, I don't think it's a waste of time even if it doesn't work purely because it really relaxes me. Though if it doesn't relax you, it can be a waste of time. If you need more info on hypnosis in general, just shoot me a message. I've been doing this stuff for years.


I think the sense of touch is a bit better here than audio or visuals. I think you would be better off stuffing some balloons into a shirt, closing your eyes and focusing on imagining everything you want to happen.