In Good Health

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Sadie had followed her friends into the health centre to get out of the heat of the Arabian midday sun, she wasn’t much into fitness herself though, she was only eighteen, and didn’t feel she needed to worry about her health yet, she had come on holiday along with her family to relax, swim in the pool and get a sun tan. The tanning had been going well and her skin had a fair bronze sheen to it, but the heat and humidity of the Red Sea quickly overwhelmed her, leaving her thirsty and tired. Inside the health centre, the friends she had made, guys and girls around her age, checked into the gym for a work out, Sadie was far too tired for any of that.

“Are you not coming in?” inquired Angela, a 19 year old brunette girl from Norfolk Sadie had met on her first night.

“No” Sadie gasped and hung out her tongue to show how tired she was, “There’s a Jacuzzi through here, and it’s air conditioned, I think I’ll go and try that.”

“Fair enough” replied Angela cheerfully as she followed the other three into the gym, “We’ll probably join you after half an hour, just a quick work out for us.”

With that she let the glass double doors close behind her. Alone, Sadie walked across the marble reception area to the double doors marked, `Jacuzzi’. On the wall next to the doors was a thermostat like switch with a sign above it reading `Jacuzzi Power, to save electricity always switch the Jacuzzi off when not in use’, it was switched off, indicating there was nobody in, Sadie switched it on. The health centre was quite empty today, as one would expect at 3pm in such hot weather and Sadie emerged into the cool, clean air of the Jacuzzi room and saw that indeed she was the only one there. The room was small and circular, with a Jacuzzi big enough for maybe ten people in the centre and a wood panelled floor around it with a width of about three metres. The walls were mirrored except for the glass door she had just come through and a wooden door on the other side marked “Changing rooms” Sadie wouldn’t need the changing rooms as she was already wearing a vivid pink bikini, with white trim, the colour simultaneously gentle and vibrant, highlighting both the soft, suppleness of Sadie’s body beneath and the vigour of her youth. Sadie did indeed look younger than her years and was always getting IDed in bars and clubs; she had a light girlish build, short, slender but not skinny, enough of a layer of fat just to be soft. Also soft were her facial features; pale blue eyes which sparkled with youth, plush pink lips in a slight broad smile, turned up at the corners and with a little overbite and auburn hair, tied back in a ponytail with the sides curling just past her ears in a slight bob.

She stepped into the bubbling water, down the steps on one side of the Jacuzzi, closing her eyes and smiling at the cooling relief she felt on her sun-hit legs, then her bottom, back and shoulders as she descended into the middle of the Jacuzzi, where the water came up to her neck. The bubbles felt nice and massaging as they stroked up her body, round it’s gentle contours, collecting under her bottom and breast before overflowing, spilling round and up the rest of her, like small human hands, soothing and tickling her, causing her to smile contentedly and keep her eyes closed, so quiet and peaceful in there.

Sadie lifted her feet from the bottom of the Jacuzzi and felt her buoyancy, enhanced by the bubbles beneath her, wiggling her hands and legs under the water she manoeuvred round until she had her back to the shelf she could sit on and splashed a bit, giggling as she sailed back through the water till, with a bump, her bottom landed on the shelf. She assumed a seated position, but because she was only small, the water came up to just under her mouth and she felt the bubbles trying to float her back to the surface. As she wriggled around trying to sit on the shelf her bum moved right over one of the jets of air. She smiled at the feeling of the massaging bubbles, tickling her rear and resolved to try and sit directly on it. She pushed with her hands on the underside of the ledge running round the Jacuzzi and forced her bottom down onto the jet, giggling as she felt the bubbles pummelling her ass, collecting and then spilling out from under her, up her back, or through her legs and up in front of her. She closed her legs tight to try and contain them, deciding that the feeling was very pleasurable, she pushed harder with her hands, till her small, but round and plush posterior was right on top of the jet. She felt the jet forcing bubbles and cold water up between her buttocks, reaching parts that she didn’t normally feel. Then the bubbles stopped coming round and she heard a FFFFF sound and felt her bikini bottom lift away from her skin; and when she looked down she saw it inflating, billowing like a parachute as the bubbles of air were being forced though by the jet and getting trapped inside it. When it stood a couple of inches from her crotch she left it pushing up, trying to float and tugging at her waistband and bikini line. She saw the extra air being forced into it fizzing through the fabric and rising up in little bubbles to the surface. She giggled at the sight of her inflated crotch and pushed it down to force the air out. But nothing.

Sadie pushed her bikini bottom down to deflate it but as it deflated no bubbles escaped, where could the air have gone? Then with a FFFFF her crotch inflated again, but something was different. She didn’t feel her bikini lifting off her skin, her crotch felt tingly and the bubbling of the jet against her bottom seemed to be coming from deeper within her. She pushed down on her bikini bottom again but instead of feeling soft and billowy it felt taut and springy, and she could feel the pushing of her hands on her skin. Sadie opened her eyes and mouth wide with astonishment, then worry. The air wasn’t going into her bikini, it was going into her body!

Her crotch inflated past the point at which it had stopped before, blowing up like a beach ball. Sadie could feel it tugging her upwards but she was sit sat firm on the jet, even when Sadie pushed with her feet on the floor of the Jacuzzi. It seemed that Sadie’s bottom was stuck to the jet nozzle by some kind of suction, but the jet wasn’t just sucking it was blowing too, and it was her body that it was blowing into. She splashed and writhed around in the water but to no effect. Sadie’s crotch, was now big enough to be containing a volleyball and she could feel her butt inflating like two balloons, stuck fast over the jet so that as she struggled she bounced around on it like she was sitting on a big balloon. Her thighs, hips and stomach were also filling with air. The air inside her was migrating to the upward side of her body, especially her abdomen and she could feel it pushing up trying to lift her, so that she was lying on her back, arched upwards towards her inflating stomach, which held the greatest volume of air, bloated to the size of a bean bag, about a metre across. Then with a whoosh, her abdomen lifted out of the water, like a submarine surfacing. The water rushed off it down the sides, revealing her glistening wet, tanned flesh and the front of her waistline, her pink bikini, looking shiny, and stretched. She bobbed around in the bubbles on the surface of the water while, underneath, her ass, inflated to the size of a pair of physio balls bounced her around, this way and that, but remaining stuck to the jet.

Sadie was feeling a panic like never before; she stopped the useless struggling to catch her breath, feeling the cool water lapping over her bloated abdomen and the underwater bubbles rolling round her vast bottom.

“HEEEELP!” she screamed.

She had to admit, the air being forced into her felt slightly pleasurable, and she got a little tingle when she ran her hands over her round, blimped crotch, but she wasn’t in the mood for pleasure, she was more worried about what would happen if the air was continuously pumped into her for the 20 more minutes before her friends got in. She felt her breasts starting to fill with air as well, like two buoys, tugging her chest and head upwards until the most rounded part of her was her stomach, halfway between her waistline and her shoulders, rising out of the water so she looked like a huge wet blimp, rounded like an oval, like the shape of a blimp, but with her legs and arms flapping around in the water and her breasts surging forwards on their own, her nipples over two feet from her shoulders and tugging on her bikini top straps. Her expanding body was pushing her head up against the ledge behind her and her breasts were inflating into her face so that she could not see over them and her mouth was muffled into her cleavage, she tried to shout for help again.


She was muffled by her breasts and could feel the air bubbling through her cleavage when she tried to scream, her mouth was partly underwater and she worried she would drown or be suffocated by her breasts if the bloating wasn’t stopped soon. Sadie stared up at the ceiling, it like the walls was mirrored, and she could see her reflection, a huge round balloon, floating in the water and still blowing up, her bikini bottom stretched over her tautly inflated abdomen, and the cups of her bikini top looking like tenting trying to hold down a pair of weather balloons which were inflating beneath, her nipples standing out on the top like cherries on top of a rising soufflé. Sadie felt her upper arms and calves swelling up, and then the air spread further along her limbs so that her whole body apart from her hands, feet and head was being inflated. Sadie watched herself inflate for a moment, her whole body filling out like a bouncy castle, her whole body going FFFFF as the air rushed in through her bottom. She felt the bubbles ticking her ass as they floated up inside her and felt the incredible tightness of her skin. She calmed slightly, watching herself as she took up half the Jacuzzi with her enormous body.

As her mind wandered she thought she could feel herself getting tauter and tauter, like she was nearing her limits of growth. “What would happen then?” she thought, panic setting in again. She imagined she might burst, even though her head was pretty squashed up between the ledge and her weather balloon breasts, and they were still expanding, now at fully inflated weather balloon size, they didn’t seem to be squashing her further, so she wouldn’t suffocate or drown. But there could only be so much her body could be inflated before she would go pop, maybe another five minutes, she was only a small girl and she was now, upwards of thirty times her original volume. It would be another five minutes before her friends came through, so she might be saved, or she might explode first, as she floated there in the Jacuzzi. For now all she could do was wait, and feel her whole body bloating up and feel the tickling of all the bubbles against her skin and listen to the bubbling noise and the FFFFF noise of her expanding body.

At that moment, the receptionist from the main entrance walked in, she could see in the mirror, but not over the rounded bloat of her body. He stopped in his tracks, she couldn’t see his facial expression from her, elevated viewpoint on the ceiling, but his brain must have told him exactly what was causing her to be swelling up in the Jacuzzi like this because he immediately turned and rushed through the door. Seconds later she felt the bubbling stop, all over her the tickling stopped, and the bubbles of the jet under her bum stopped and she stopped tingling, and she stopped inflating; but she wasn’t deflating either, and she was still stuck. The receptionist’s head appeared round the door and he spoke, sounding panicked.

“I’ll just go ring for help… er…. Don’t move”

Though without seeing his face she hadn’t imagined his panic, though he must have opened the door to be confronted by this huge mass of swelling tanned flesh and stretched pink bikini, a panicking sight by any standards. He disappeared and closed the door behind him. Sadie, felt relaxed, she wasn’t going to explode after all, he must have stopped her just in time, because she felt so incredible high pressured and tight, all over. She smiled, it was actually rather pleasurable to just be floating here, taking up so much of the pool, inflated like a pool toy; Sadie felt a kind of sexual buzz, and closed her eyes and smiled to herself. Bliss.

Angela and the other three, one girl and two boys, emerged from the gym, hot and sweaty after their half hour work out. In the foyer the receptionist was on the phone, his back to the room, muttering and sounding flustered. The door to the Jacuzzi was opposite the one they had just come out of, a glass double door, but most of the centre of the glass was obscured with posters.

“Sadie said she’d be in the Jacuzzi” Angela said to the others.

“I hope it’s cool in there” said one of the boys, “I’m boiling”

They walked over to the Jacuzzi door, there was a thermostat next to it with a sign above it that read “Jacuzzi Power, to save electricity always switch the Jacuzzi off when not in use” the Jacuzzi was switched off, odd, Angela thought, Sadie must’ve left. She switched it on.

In quick succession, from inside the room they all heard a woman gasp, a short pained creaking sound and a moan, suddenly BANG! They all jumped, this was followed by the inside of the glass being splashed with water.

“What the fuck was that?” said one of the girls,

Angela opened the glass door and saw the Jacuzzi, only half full of water, the rest it appeared being sprayed around the room, everything was soaked. The surface of the water was rippling and very bubbly. Floating above the shelf on the far side of the Jacuzzi was the back half of a pink bikini bottom. The other half was nowhere to be seen but there were shreds of pink fabric everywhere, scattered around the floor, stuck to glass, mirrors.

Angela thought she was right about one thing though, Sadie had left.

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Damn, never found this one

Damn, never found this one before, but loved it! 

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