Is it inflation, or something else?

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Is it inflation, or something else?

New here, but been around body inflation since 1996 (ahhhh, the memories).

My question is as follows:

Are you aroused by the inflation or is that only part of what floats your boat? For example in the origional Wonka movie when Violet inflates there are mixed reactions from all around her. In a way she ceases to become a person but instead an object, and spoken about as if that's the case ('I got a blueberry for a daughter'), even poked and prodded. When people see what's going on they cease speaking to her, offering suggestions on what to do to help the inflating girl. Violet herself is powerless to stop what is happening, losing control over one of the few things a person truely owns, their body, yet remains aware of her predicament.

So is the inflation only part of your fetish? Would it be the same if the person in question didn't react to it at all? Is what goes on around the inflatee as important as what is happening to them?

Just curious...


For me, it's a mix of things.

While the thoughts of 'body inflation' work in my mind, I prefer inflatable suit scenarios and the like. (Mainly becuase they can be feasable.)

What I get a kick out of is cohesion of the process like the look of the suit billowing up with air, the sounds, the smells, the feeling of the suit pressing against you or her, the clearer shine of the suit that comes forth as all the wrinkles dissapear. Not to mention the normal indiviudal being transformed into an huge exagerated helpless version of themselves. The idea is completly laughable to any normal person, and I agree. It IS weird, but I just go with it.
While the inflation is a big factor, the individual in the suit is just as important.

The person having the scenario forced on them is a turn on, as well as someone doing it to themselves intentionally. An very important thing, is the individual must enjoy it. The person can be terrified beyond all reason but in the end, there must be some sort of enjoyment to it. Like she wants to get away but the feeling of being blown up arrouses her, she becomes conflicted between fear and pleasure. She absoleutly hates what's happening but deep down, she secretly or ends up loving it during or afterwards. Sievert's story; Airgasm is a good example if memory serves.

The individual doesn't even have to be helpess though. The idea where the indiviudal is completly mobile is great too (with minor restraint in some areas, like slight trouble walking or moving their limbs in some directions). Opposite to the helpless role of being inflated, her being dominating in this mobile form is very arousing.

I could keep rambling on but I'll stop here. When I think about it, inflation for me kinda just boils down to anothor category of bondage and or restraint.


I agree with everything you said, Tinmible except the enjoyment part. For me she could equally enjoy it but also at the same time hate it: A revenge scenario where she is surprised and her suit inflates until it bursts = she gets shockd, panicks and beg them to turn it off until the climax ending. Super hot for me. 

Tinmible wrote:
The person having the scenario forced on them is a turn on, as well as someone doing it to themselves intentionally. An very important thing, is the individual must enjoy it.

You, rambling? No, I think you're dead-on. It's always just a matter of personal preferences, from how it's done to why it's done.

For me, I have a countless number of fantasies running through my head, and many of them involve giving up control to someone with a stronger will. So, it isn't just the inflation, but a little bit of domination, too.


I think you're both right about the domination side of things as being an immobile ball would, would make a inanimate object.

Personally I think that the idea of someone being inflated is quite humiliating, particularly considering the skinny look that most models seem to adopt these days. If the change is also mental all the better. There's nothing more arousing than the main character wanting to get bigger, even if they've been coerced or brainwashed into thinking that way.

I think what's equally important for me is how the subject is treated after the actual inflation as well, Jeff Bont has some good stories over at pumpkinbelly's site that deal with that very well. They're some of my favourites.

Inflate123's picture

It's funny you mention it, because I think the concept of someone being inflated against their will be secretly loving it has already turned into a cliche. I think that's the standard porn fantasy, actually--that the girl is always into it no matter what. I still enjoy it, but I get that sense of "I've read this before" when I see it in new stories. Doesn't make it bad.

The darker ones where it's against the subject's will are, quite honestly, sometimes more thrilling to me, even though I hardly have that preference in real life. The panic that comes with the loss of control is powerful, and if you drop that into a revenge scenario of some sort, all the more compelling.

But how the person reacts during the inflation is far more important to me than the actual size achieved. I think that's what the better stories wind up conveying, the internal dialogue of the inflatee.


Oh it's definetly cliche. When it comes to the stories, it's really all been done. It all comes down to taking a cliche and going at it in a different or new (and hopefully, well written) direction.

But how the person reacts during the inflation is far more important to me than the actual size achieved. I think that's what the better stories wind up conveying, the internal dialogue of the inflatee.

Couldn't agree with you more.

IncredibleCrisis wrote:
Tinmible wrote:
The person having the scenario forced on them is a turn on, as well as someone doing it to themselves intentionally. An very important thing, is the individual must enjoy it.

You, rambling? No, I think you're dead-on. It's always just a matter of personal preferences, from how it's done to why it's done.

For me, I have a countless number of fantasies running through my head, and many of them involve giving up control to someone with a stronger will. So, it isn't just the inflation, but a little bit of domination, too.

Your are so right. It is domination absolutely. 8O


Domination Rocks!!!
Bondage Rocks!!!

For me the inflatee must be kept aware of her surroundings and always hate what is happening to her.

I just lose interest when the girl starts enjoying it too much. I mean, what's the point of humiliating her if she's not going to be humiliated. You know.

Pain also plays an important role, but just to make sure the person truly hates the process of inflation.

Someone embarrassing an inflated person in public is my turn on.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Just to make her blush, squirm, try to cover up and hold it back, and of course, bust out of her clothes.

Non-Consensual of course. The suprise is half the fun.


I'm not much into the humiliating thing... especialy in public like some authors do. Dunno, it should be a private thing.
I like... well, mostly everything. The idea of a person inflating in an impossible way (I'm not much into balloon/rubber TF), and some sensuality with it too.
The bondage/forced/dominating parts are a big turn on too.

sugarhigh's picture

my fav part is when a girls cheeks puff up. all the other stuff (such as bondge ect) really doesn't matter to me

your friendly nighberhood Puffy Cheek Lover!


Although I don't mind dishing it out, I love the idea of being inflated myself, and I must admit, being embarassed or humiliated about it does have a certain appeal...

Sometimes I prefer the idea of it being private, resisting and trying my best to hold it all in, but sometimes a little exposure could be fun. xD


I must admit that the 'darker' themes appeal to me more these days, but not to the extent of some of the manga at StormerZone (which is a bit much). There was a certain sinister quality to the first Wonka film though, which was nice, but I'd like something a bit darker.

Plugging it again 'Toys' by Sievert is one of my favourites because it hits all the right notes, it's dark, scary for the victim, there's 'bondage' humiliation and of course hissing and squeaking (bodies making those noises are kind of humiliating IMHO). Also there's an actual reason for the inflation, like what's happening to the victim is a 'side effect' for something else. Inflation for the sake of inflation doesn't really work for me.

Sugarhigh, quick question: Why is the girls cheeks puffing up so important to you? Is it the humiliation of it, the look on her face or something else we haven't mentioned here?

sugarhigh's picture

i don't really know.. its just to me the best part. i can't explaine it.

your friendly nighberhood Puffy Cheek Lover!


The girls cheeks puffing up is a good way for the inflatee to lose the ability to complain about what's happening to her.

If the pressure hasn't already done that:D

The manga at StormerZone is great.
It has to be my second favorite site.
This one being first of course.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.



Someone remembers Toys? Slightly startling!


Does anyone remember "Toys"? You KNOW I remember "Toys", oh story-sensei. :D


Someone remembers Toys? Slightly startling!

Just showing my age. I'm... erm... 25... ish...

Does anyone remember "Toys"? You KNOW I remember "Toys", oh story-sensei.

Now there's a story you should draw a picture of! Spandex, a squeaking chest, panic and of course inflation! It's got everything! :D


I tend to just like the inflation itself, but I prefer it if the victim is panicking or is frightened about it. I just don't seem to like it when the inflatee is having an orgasm or something while she's inflating...


I tend to like it when the inflation isn't planned, or had gotten out of control. I don't care for the 'popping' though.


It seems I like any gas based inflation but some scenarios are more appealing than others.
The ultimate story for me would involve reluctance from the inflatee, the inflation getting out of hand and a danger of floating away but not of popping.
My fetish for body inflation is as strong as my fetish for latex balloons, so squeeking body parts bursting apart clothing are also good.
I would like to be the inflater or the inflatee.
I think this may stem from an untapped dom/sub thing going on in my head.


Personally, I enjoy the aspects of extreme inflation and deflation. The transformation of a woman into a living balloon, completely helpless to prevent being inflated to massive size and then deflated for later use. :twisted: An example of this would be found in the story "Floating," right here in the archive.

I guess you could say that includes humiliation/domination like tendencies. :roll:

darth_clone19's picture

I dont like when they enjoy it. it completely kills it for me. i like my body inflation in kind of mischevous torture way, but very kinky and girlish. its gotta be very womanly, u know? i dont know if i explain myself. for me, if its forced its better, but i cant explain it. its like a man explaining why he likes women lol

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going a bit against the grain of this thread, I really am not a fan of the whole humiliation and pain aspect of things. humiliation can be ok if it's funny or temporary. Pain is just a complete mood killer for me.

I kind of like when the inflatee just sort of stumbles across inflation and thinks ah ha this is my thing. I absolutely love when the inflatee not only wants to be blown up but has been actively working tward that end (the witch learning air spells, the mad scientist trying to inflate him or herself and the like)

I also kind of like it when they stop short of being totally full, the like when a balloon reaches the point where it's firm, but not streatched too thin or too full and unyelding. just nicely rounded and squishy.

of late I've also been kind of turned on by the idea of an embarasment of riches. A couple who inflate each other anticipating a night of weightless, and squeeky passion only to find that they've both become too full to actually consumate their relationship.

and I'm going to stop now before this post becomes too long and random.

darth_clone19's picture

yea inflate123, i agree. i love it when its against their will. i dont like it the other way around. but am not into making ppl suffer irl lol only in my inflation fanatism

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ShinyArc41's picture

For me it's only vicious animals, dragons, monsters defeated by being inflated.

It's definitely the inflation that excites me but also seeing these huge ferocious beasts humiliated and helpless. 

now a balloon

Friends, I am affraid to inform you that this post is two decades old.


It's weird that the internet has been around long enough for us to read conversations from 20 years ago... especially when we see we were part of them. It's an interesting inflatable time capsule.