Aesop Was Right!!

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AlecDeluxe's picture
Aesop Was Right!!

As someone who got into inflation because of the "Frog & the Ox" cartoon from Sesame Street (now on Inlfate123's vid page), I found this news item from Roland Sweet's "Newsquirks" column a tad, um, titillating...

"German animal welfare workers and veterinarians were baffled when as many as 1,000 toads exploded in Hamburg after swelling to three and a half times their normal size. Describing the nightly scene as something from 'a science fiction film,' nature protection society spokesperson Werner Smolnik said, 'You see the animals crawling on the ground, swelling and then exploding,' propelling their entrails up to three feet in the air. Finally, veterinary surgeon Frank Mutschmann concluded that the toads had been attacked by crows, causing them to 'swell up as a form of self-defense,' then explode when the crows pecked them while trying to eat their livers."

It's amazing... It's astounding... but it's no bullshit!!

I want to pop so much I could burst!


That's damn funny.

Gotta love how nature sabotages itself...

Fairia's picture

I saw this article from a horror movie web board I belonged to. Yet I didn't connect it to inflation.

darth_clone19's picture

Well, Trick, nature doesnt really do it to itself, but thats another topic. It was funny though, its as if the crows knew exactly what they were doing. lol

 -   Read my stories: 


I know this because i live not far from Germany. And I didn't connect it to inflation too, i think it's disgusting.



I'm drawing a picture, based on the following idea, young frauline, walking in the country comes upon a frog at this pond, obviously she's been reading too many fairy stories cos she kisses it hoping it will turn into a prince, the results are rather more unfortunate for her.


I drawn the pic YAY! #1 and coloured it YAY! #2 and also done a 2nd pic of the explosion YAY! #3. I've left them in Liverpool though BOO! I'll get them back monday maybe.