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Is there any chance some of Cindy Irresistible's fantastic work could be stored here?


Not sure. As a massive fan of her work, this idea naturally appeals to me, but ultimately, I think it would be up to Cyndi and the mods.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Inflate123's picture

Right now the bulk of Cyndi's recorded output has been for private clients; with the exception of the one just released this weekend by Korg Fal at his korgskaboom group on Yahoo, all her publicly released clips are on her website. She's done about 16 or 17 projects now.

I can say, on behalf of Cyndi, that there's no problem mirroring those files here and adding them to the site's content collection, but that's really up to Luther and whether he wants to afford the files the space. If they're already hosted elsewhere, maybe a link will suffice.
