image uploads...

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image uploads...

Hello, anyone home?
If there is, just wondering, I sent email asking, and got no reply.
The question was about uploaded images. The other day I sent or uploaded 43 images. Granted I put a tease in the coment line that maybe it would grant my images a place in the "Artists' Galleries", but I havn't seen the images posted either in that gallery or the general gallery. Is the content not suitable? I'd like a little feedback rather waste my time on the remaining 230 image files I've done and that I am considering uploading.
I did see that you did accept the first test file I uploaded on May 26th though. Thanks for your answer...


Stop spamming...T_T


W... T... F...
The guy could at least spam in English, instead of some weird font...

Anyway, Big C, the uploads are approved by LV himself, and he may not have get the time to check everything.


Mixuer is spamming in Chinese.

I can't read it very well, but it looks like a public service announcement. I think it says, "Commit national suicide with your VISA card or your checkbook. Buy all your cheap s@#t at Wal-mart, so that the Peoples Republic of China can become rich and sell nuclear s#%t and weapons to the mentally disturbed, religious zealots in Iran. 40 million dead comrades is just the beginning, you ain't seen nuthin' yet. We make Hitler look like a petty amateur! Help fund us as we build a military juggernaut in the East so that we can take over the world and commit more genocide than you can shake a stick at; Tibet and Falun Gong are just an appetizer. All you perverted inflation fetishists and anyone else who doesn't fit into, or agree with, Mao's slanted vision of a perfect world are next. Your dollars are appreciated, as is President Bush's understanding cooperation. Death to the West. Thank you comrades."




Daaaaamn...somebody's a raging sino-phobe. 8O


ack no!!! more!!! where is all this coming from?