Sorry, Warble...I checked my archive but I don't see this one...
I hate to do this, but...
Heh, long time listener, first time caller. Can someone help me find a story, or the name so that I can find it? I've looked forever for this after reading it a year or so ago and can't seem to find it. I've even looked alphabetically through all of the Overflowing Bra archives and couldn't seem to find it (though I'm damn sure it's there!). From what I remember, it's about a secretary at a hospital recieving a call from a woman who's breasts grow when she types the words "breasts grow" or something like that... mostly implied growth (hearing "noises" over the phone line and such). The secretary keeps asking the woman to type different things while she keeps expanding, until finally the secretary leaves to find the word processor the woman is using, so that she can benefit. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Anybody? Am I the only one who remembers this? Or am I crazy XD...