Butt Inflation

I was just wanting to get a running tab of Butt Inflation stories out there or stories that had prominent descriptions of that. Also Cheviot had two stories on his old site called "Marlene's Absorption" and "Petra" that were awesome BI stories.

Ones off of this site I can remember:
The Shock
The Sucker
Deadly Dessert


Carnatic's "Superlight" has another Butt Inflation scene. Just found out about it.


Try these stories on for size:

1) Feeling Blue by Strigoli, it can found here on Bodyinflation.org

2) BootyBustin' by South, it can found at the Overflowing Bra

** There was another but I can't remember the name or where it was found. It involved a scientist/ researcher that injects or drugs his beautiful widowed neighbor so that her butt grows to gargatuan proportions.

Anyone know which one this is or where it could be found? Possibly Bellimaximus or the now inactive Pumpkinbelly's Patch?

bostoncowboy's picture

cursed jeans on here is a butt inflation story.


L.V. Kane has some great butt inflation in his Donna's New Look and Horace's Curse stories. I'm a fan of all types of inflation, but butt inflation seems to be the hardest to find...So I'm happy whenever I see it in a story or artwork.


SvenS's picture

Hmmm... Sven detect people in distress.

Inflate123's picture
SvenS wrote:
Hmmm... Sven detect people in distress.

That's good news, since Sven also tends to draw people whose dresses are in distress.

But I digress.

SvenS's picture

Sven, he take careful notes, long time. Sven have whole section in new story outline labeled "Fan Service".

That all Sven gonna say right now.


When will Sven say more? When, Sven, When?


I found one I was looking for from the Wayback machine. I will post soon. It's great.


One of the episodes of Jenny the Balloon girl involves Butt Inflation... episode 2 I think... that's on this site.


yeah those jenny stories were great... I wonder if there are any more