I also posted about this on my DeviantART journal, but it was suggested that I post here too. I'm curious about the origin of "fwoomp" as used as a sound effect (and now verb and adjective) in the inflation community. Apparently it's possible that I was the first one to use it, but I can't confirm or deny this... I don't remember under what circumstances I first started using it.
Axel Rosered and Critical Volume say they both first heard it from me. I've known Critical Volume since late 2002 and I'm pretty sure I've been using "fwoomp" for most of the time I've known him.
So, I'm curious. Can anyone point me to an earlier usage I might have originally gotten "fwoomp" from, or does anyone claim to have first used it themselves?
Edit: Funkyobrian pointed me to a 2000 Big Horse image that used the sound effect, so clearly I wasn't the first. I'd still be interested, though, if anyone can shed light on whether Big Horse originated it, or if there's an older source. Although, it does feel like a natural sound effect for rapid expansion, and it's possible that several people have independently adopted it...
It could stem from Batman (or Marvel in general) like so many other sound effect words.