Origin of the word "Fwoomp"

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Origin of the word "Fwoomp"

I also posted about this on my DeviantART journal, but it was suggested that I post here too. I'm curious about the origin of "fwoomp" as used as a sound effect (and now verb and adjective) in the inflation community. Apparently it's possible that I was the first one to use it, but I can't confirm or deny this... I don't remember under what circumstances I first started using it.

Axel Rosered and Critical Volume say they both first heard it from me. I've known Critical Volume since late 2002 and I'm pretty sure I've been using "fwoomp" for most of the time I've known him.

So, I'm curious. Can anyone point me to an earlier usage I might have originally gotten "fwoomp" from, or does anyone claim to have first used it themselves?

Edit: Funkyobrian pointed me to a 2000 Big Horse image that used the sound effect, so clearly I wasn't the first. I'd still be interested, though, if anyone can shed light on whether Big Horse originated it, or if there's an older source. Although, it does feel like a natural sound effect for rapid expansion, and it's possible that several people have independently adopted it...


It could stem from Batman (or Marvel in general) like so many other sound effect words.



I think that word started with Al Gore. Right after he invented the internet, he was cruising the first ever website, when he came upon the first piece of inflation art on the web and he said to his wife...


Carnatic...I don't even want to think what Batman and Robin were doing when "fwoomp" happened! I just hope it involved Catwoman.

Seriously, I think I probably first saw it in a comic book or something way back when...it's lost in the mists of time.


I've been using it since aroundabout '99 actually. While not the originator m'self, I'm fairly certain it can be traced back to a furry inflation fan when he and I were discussing silly things like helium grenades. Well, it just seemed like too much fun not to slip into casual conversation for everything else.


Yeah, now that I think about it, it was one of BigHorse's pics, with a bunnygirl "clicking" her breasts, and making them inflate.


Are we sure it wasn't around before then, it seems pretty likely back in the halcyon days of Marvel comics. I think a bean bag (or other soft object) fight would involve a fair bit of fwoomping.

Seems too ubiquitous to be traced back to someone from our community in the time since the internet began.

I want to run with that helium grenade idea btw? :)


I'm making no claims that I was the origin of it. If I have the earliest drawing you can find it in, it doesn't mean a thing. I don't remember where I got it from, but I'd bet I saw it somewhere else. :?

Fwoomp is an awfully good inflation word though, ain't it? :D



I'm pretty sure the word has been around for ages and ages, before the internet most likely. Like the Batman words that were mentioned, it's an example of a literary term called "onomatopeia" which is defined as the formation of words by imitating sounds. An early English example of this is the word "meow" for the sound a cat makes. There aren't any Latin or Greek root words or anything involved in the origin of the word, that's just what it sounds like when you try to imitate a cat using English phonetics.

I would bet that there are other versions of "fwoomp" for other languages, like maybe the French say "fouffe" instead or something like that, or maybe the Germans say "luftwaffe." Because their languages use different sounds, they would imitate the sound using a word that better fits their way of speaking.

- "Gosh, Mr. Peabody. Inflation fetishists sure get onto some strange topics!"
- "Indubitably, Sherman. Indubitably."

Wren :)

carnatic wrote:
I want to run with that helium grenade idea btw? :)

Do eet!

Inflate123's picture

I heard it from Big Horse's drawing, which may or may not have been informed by Sievert, but I'm glad to see him chiming in, because I was going to blame him. :)

Inflate123 wrote:
I heard it from Big Horse's drawing, which may or may not have been informed by Sievert, but I'm glad to see him chiming in, because I was going to blame him. :)

No wonder I feel like I have a big target painted on my back sometimes. :D


I might well do Siev

Also, interesting 'meow' fact. The French say 'Maom!'

Also just laughed at the idea of German people saying 'air force' for fwoomp :) Maybe Miss Barcode has some interesting german fwoomp-esque words?

Rimou's picture

Maom ? What french is it ? XD

We use to say "miaou" :3


More French ones could be "Ba-Da-Bleu!" or "Ba-Da-Bloompe" (thinks of "Autowash" among other things from 'The Fifth Element').

As I suggested at the other discussion, cartoonist Don Martin of Mad Comic fame is a likely suspect, if not for "Fwoomp" itself then at least the style or some quite similar comic sound effect (for which he was renowned).

In fact after Re-Googling with a different phrase I found this listing of his sounds - http://www.collectmad.com/madcoversite/index-dmd.html .

Assuming the list is complete it turns out that "Fwoof" and "Foomp" were two of his, so these may have been the inspiration for whoever first used "Fwoomp".

Going through some of the long list there are some other inflation-friendly sounding ones too.

"Bloit", "Floon" and "Foom" for a start, and there are probably more further down either as is or with a little Scrabble work to fit the particular context.

"Continue the research..."

Fairia's picture

I also wonder about the origin of one of my favorite inflation words "Bloomp".

EnsignMinneapolis's picture

I think the sound of Fwoomp is similar to having something large inflate with air at a certain rate sort of like a billowing out sail. It aslo is sort of the sound something that is inflated makes when it is hit lightly.

It could also be the sound certain materials make when inflated (like the skin of a baloon).


the skin of a balloon would make the following sound... SCREEE!

I just want to point out to the people here that FWOOMP will figure when I get round to doing my poll on favourite sound effects.


No no no, your all wrong. The origin of the word "fwoomp" is simple. If you inflate a person REALLY, thats the sound it makes! Fwoomp! How do I know..? Umm...no further comments.