I've purged the queue of pending stories, and Happy Holly Days is now online. I posted a comment on DA, I'll repost here (complete with typo corrections):
The word that came to mind when reading this was "Wordsmithery." Yeah, I know it's not a real word, but I tend to take a bit of license with the language.
I enjoyed this story immensely. It's the inflation fetishist's version of fanservice. You have the shy lab geek and the eager seductress drawn together by the miraculous substance that makes inflationists' dreams come true. But such a unrealistic scenario could have easily fallen flat.
This is where wordsmithery comes in. Anyone can verb a subject to an object and throw in a few adjectives as embellishment, but few can actually craft the text. What makes the story work is how the style matches the content. The premise is comical, but so is the execution. The silliness isn't a failing of the author, it's the delibrately crafted design of the story.
The dialog as well as the narration are lighthearted, entertaining, and as fanciful as the subject matter. Thanks to the smooth flowing witty banter, Holly is established as being willful and reckless, but she has a mind and motivations. She's not just some dumb bimbo who didn't read the instructions.
My favorite phrase in the story: "She adjusted her dress to accentuate her positives."
It's short and sweet with all the right elements. But I think it's the playful nature of the story that is its most appealing aspect.