Should I?

Sven, he is working on the next installment of the saga of the Rachel and the Pam and as part of that is producing some artwork to accompany it. Sven asks his loyal fans: Should he wait to post the pictures with the completed story or put them up ahead of the time?


darth_clone19's picture

What are these stories anyway? Sorry, I cant seem to recall.

 -   Read my stories: 


I'd like to see the pictures first but I'm impatient like that. :)

LutherVKane's picture

On the one hand, I think there's a certain appeal to presenting the pictures and the story as a unified work. Were I in your shoes, I'd probably put out a picture or two prior to the story's completion to get people excited about it, but save the rest and best of the pics for the story's release.

On the other hand, there's what I like to call the "Gimme gimme now now!" factor.

It's a tough call.

SvenS's picture

Preview it is! The story is as yet untitled, but the outline is complete and I'll start serious writing on it soon. Rachel undergoes a little attitude change this time around.
