Introducing 'Duds'

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Introducing 'Duds'

A while ago on this site people were asking about a special status for artists in their profiles. This got me thinking about who the artists, writers and other contributors were within the community, what their special status was and how we know who is you. This raised the question to ask members 'What Exactly Do U Do?'.
So in order to answer the question I have made little icons that show how someone contributes to the community. 'WEDUDs' I have called them (for What Exactly Do U Do) Wee Duds, or Duds for short. They are basically little icons that you can put in your signatures, or incorporate into DeviantArt IDs or if you run a forum, incorporate into the profiles on the forum.
The three I have done so far are the more obvious ones, but the idea of Duds are to highlight some less obvious contributions too, so I will be back with more later. So far we have icons for Artists, Writers and Game Designers... also in the pipeline are Morphers, Community Gurus, Community Whores, Soundsmiths and Talent Scouts.

The three I have done are below... to use them in your signature simply copy and past the link below it inbetween a pair of '[IMG]' '[/IMG]' tags.

doubleintegral's picture

"Community Whores" is funny.

The one for writers is hard to read though. Maybe a little darker shade of yellow, like a gold or orange, would work better? Or use black text instead of white?

Looks good, I like 'em.


CattyN flagged that up yesterday when I showed it to him. I'm well aware of the problem and trying to think of a way around it. Dark yellow look yucky, I have already used orange and I don't want to break from the colour scheme to use black text for one. I have been looking at giving them darker outlines or shadows.


I've gone back and put shadows on.. you should find that the 'Writer' is now much easier to read.

doubleintegral's picture

Looks 100% better. Thanks.


Looks very interesing. Next you could make an RP'er one.


I think RPer was in my list of ones to do once I had done the main 8, I wanted to see if the demand was there... evidently it is. That and also '3D Artist'


Awesome :D hmm... for the RPer, we could also have a Inflator / Inflatee variation. Just brainstorming here. Mail me if you need any help on it.

LutherVKane's picture

Excellent idea Carnatic! I like these a lot.

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

I just thought of another one you need, "Site Owner"

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


that's what Community Guru is, and it also includes former site owners, yahoo group owners, people who many feel are qualified to speak for the community and just general gurus.

EnsignMinneapolis's picture

Then there is role player.


nice timing XD

I am the one and only Tiger Pillow©


Good thinkin', and a nice range of imagry for it.