Hey all. I'm new to the message boards around here so I'm sorry if this is a repost but I was watching an anime music video today and I caught a glimpse of an anime that I've never seen that has BE in it. The anime music video is called AMV HELL 3. Its about an hour and 8 minutes long but the scene starts at 29 minutes and 46 seconds. It's unfortunately a really quick clip but its cool none the less. The clip shows a chick's breasts inflating really large until they pop but there is no violence at all, just clothes ripping.
If you like anime and anime music videos definitely check out the whole thing because it's hilarious. AMV HELL 3 reminds me alittle bit of Robot Chicken on Adult Swim.
Here's the link to AMV HELL 3
If someone knows the name of the anime with the BE in it please let us know!
yo i got good news for you my friend i've seen that video on youtube! here is the link
the video is about 1 minute long
also on you tube search my name and you should find inflation videos i have uploaded