Pop and gore?

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Pop and gore?


This is a questioin for people who enjoy popping. I am only asking it for fictional purposes, I am note interested in IRL inflation.
Do you enjoy, on a inflationstorie wich involves popping, the pop to be gore? Why? Do you like it being very descriptive.
I love popping stories, and I like gore pops, but this kind of pop does not give me a hard on, I just enjoy it, I guess it gives more realism to the text.
What is your opinion?

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!


i flat out don't enjoy popping sorry its like it takes me so long to inflate that to pop makes it all meaningless.

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet

darth_clone19's picture

I love popping, cuz inflating someone isnt hard lol. At least it shouldnt be. I dont like stories that rationalize it. I prefer women being inflated just because it can happen. Thats it. No magic, no chemicals. I enjoy popping, but if there isnt gonna be any, at least I like it foreshadowed a bit. When it does happen, its like icing on the cake. So I dont mind.

As for gory....sometimes if there is some blood I dont mind (MK II and V anyone?), but if it gets to gory and descriptive, I usually turn away, but my world doesnt collapse or anything, lol. I usually dont find gory ones anywhere to make a solid statement anyways.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


Psstt Tenshu the discussion is not asking if you like pops, he's asking those who do their opinions on gorey pops. At least I think it is...

Anywho on to answering. Although I'm a popper I prefer a non gorey pop. As the gore guts and etc detract from the main event, the explosion itself. Also I prefer inflation to have a fantasy feel no matter what, yes I know inflation is a fantasy but I mean not even appear to be real. That way I can use it as a getaway not a "real life" playout.

Aww I'm sure you can hold just a tiny bit more. *Fwhoomp BANG!* Or um not...


I can't say I'm a fan of gorey pops either... same reasons as Tippsey, too much realism. I like it to be a bit more fantastical... also I'm a little squeamish. It doesn't always put me off though, it depends how it's handled, with pictures, there only is one way to handle it, to draw all the gore, but with stories, sometimes gore can be described a bit but not in too much detail.


I do areally agree with you, Carnatic. There is no need for much details, but I enjoy some gore.

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!


the gore is just part of it, i mean, when a humain being pops... what do you expect, there just has to be a little(a little) blood, or something s missing. carnatic s right, detail of what happenes as the skin ripps apart and all, mabe i can do without it... i m sure you all agree that the fun part is how you got to the bursting point. i always enjoy the last sentence just befor the popping, it s always fun. Comics, well, there different...


I like popping entirely for the anticipation factor. It doesn't even have to happen all the time: but if it never happens, then there's no suspense. As for level of gore... I don't mind when someone describes the aftermath as an empty crater. You'd expect there to be all kinds of gibs everywhere but then again you'd expect that girls wouldn't just bloat up for the fun of it. I can do without descriptive gore. As for there only being one way to draw a popping pic, I've seen plenty of non-gore explosions pics where the female basically is empty inside like a balloon would be.

http://harrisonford08.deviantart.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ijartist/


It is curious. But ii furry inflation, I never found a gore pop.
When the story involves pop, that is the part I most enjoy!!!

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!

harrisonford08 wrote:
I like popping entirely for the anticipation factor. It doesn't even have to happen all the time: but if it never happens, then there's no suspense. As for level of gore... I don't mind when someone describes the aftermath as an empty crater. You'd expect there to be all kinds of gibs everywhere but then again you'd expect that girls wouldn't just bloat up for the fun of it. I can do without descriptive gore. As for there only being one way to draw a popping pic, I've seen plenty of non-gore explosions pics where the female basically is empty inside like a balloon would be.

I didn't mean there's only one way to handle popping, I'm aware there are many pictures of girls exploding without gore (hell I drew half of them), I mean't if you are doing a gory explosion you can't really make it acceptable to non gore fans like you can with a story.


but does the one exploding die?

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet


sometimes... sometimes not


death i think would spoil the exsprience,or maybe not i am not sure....

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet

darth_clone19's picture

I dont like that if they explode they reappear. That ruins the whole thing, cuz if she comes back, whats the point in popping her? Of course, some very cartoony stories are allowed to do it I guess.

The appeal is not that she dies. Its not like we want people to die. Sure, I guess she dies if she pops, but who cares? They fetish isnt about people dying so if I fantasize about her popping, is not because of death. Although, making her disappear is definitely in the inflator's mind.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


it is?can you explain alittle further.

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet


The popping is the conclusion. If the person being inflated doesn’t pop it leaves me thinking what next will she deflate and go back to a normal life or will this become a regular happenstance how will this impact the world some one inflating is normally big news. Maybe I just think too much.


Yeah, I think its best to let these things be fantasies. If people were really inflating people, then you could consider the ramifications.

darth_clone19's picture
Tenshu wrote:
it is?can you explain alittle further.

Sure, there are alternatives to popping, like letting her float, humiliate her, or just let her drift away. But, if the inflator has it in mind that she has to pop, then thats nice.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


k,thanks for exsplaining it

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet


Need links


Put the pin down and walk away this thread does not need necroed and links wouldn't exactly fit a discussion thread. So calm down good sir.

Aww I'm sure you can hold just a tiny bit more. *Fwhoomp BANG!* Or um not...


Well uh, I prefer inflation to be realistic as possible.

If that involves gore, remains of body parts, and broken intestines flying everywhere, then I guess... Heck yeah.

RoboBro's picture

I think gore is disgusting, personally. It turns me off and goes all the way into creepy territory for me.