i see, well, i e been thinking (yup, it happens to me too) and i thought of two caracters, sisters, one of them is the goth type, and the other one s her sister. i already know how the goth lookes like( it s my speciality) but what about the sister?...
no bimbo, cause, well.. you ll see...
korg fal, your idea s good, but i d preffer to have them start on the regular proportions to surely get them to the lager proportions, so you can really see the change. but hispanic, big boob and butt... i ll keep that in mind.
force feeding sequence
Maybe her sister is a quiet, nerdy type? Cute, but less confident.
oh, that's good, that's very good, like green baggy pants, some random red and yellow girl's tshirt with a self made logo on it,ound or square thik glasses, mabe a red head, freckles?...
always carries books under her arm.
Heh, I like that one sir! I'd suggest large, round glasses, but you are the artist, after all. ^_^
got it, you ll see them all on the site shortly.
great ideas!
yeah, its emah and helenah( in my folder)
I can't wait to see more. Your stuff is amazing.
thank you FukureruShogun.
I look forward to seeing this!
how about her sister in a business suit with a tight fitting short dress, white buttoned down blouse and control freek that gets blimped by her sister. Check out Cartoonass that may be here somewhere. Its a spanish comic and its the best drawn ass on the internet. God it would be great to fill in the missing story line or make up one.
The one from cartoon ass is from the Bellas comic book line and probably is about a woman stuck behind a desk waiting for the weather to change and fattening up eating to cure her boredom...who knows...it could be that or not..but who ever drew her was dead on...if you could capatalize on that cartoon it would make guys happy who have been trying to find the rest of that comic for over 10 years!
good luck. I can't wait to see what you come up with..
its all a question of time...
i m still on the celine comic, a few requests, and many exams--- consequ: many headakes...
so yes, i ll see what i can do, but i t ll take some time.
Although this post isnt giving you any ideas. I just wanted to say I look forward to seeing whatever you manage to create.
I am a big fan of your art style, its refreshing.
thanx a lot, i was thinking of coloring it by computer, but not the manga style, more like painting.
i ll see what it ll become.
thanx again.
Its worth a shot. Its good to see someone deviating from the anime fad.
Ive got 1 character for you. Call her Lucia, shes hispanic, big boobs & butt, tubby waste...a plump girl bordering on BBW.