That 70's show

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That 70's show

Does any body have the whole episode of That's 70's Show were Jackie eats too much blueberry pie any inflates into a blueberry like in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. If you do can you please send it too me


We need a new site jsut for WG/Blueberry stuff. So we can have inflationists here and others there.

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!


blueberry is inflation. sorry, it belongs here.

dragon_6860's picture

I agree, and as for WG, it's enough in expansion that it can be here, becides, we're not exactly a large enough group that we can afford to begin splintering off into a bunch of groups.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

Fairia's picture

I uploaded a video I have, but it has no sound and just a clip of initial inflation on youtube.


Yes we must join together with weight gainers, fruit fillers, and general inflationism.

darth_clone19's picture

dragon said better than I could. Im not into WG and blueberry, but hey, it has a right to be here too. Besides, I think, even as a minority, that kind of stuff had a few representatives even before this site had a forum.

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LutherVKane's picture
gokuson123 wrote:
We need a new site jsut for WG/Blueberry stuff. So we can have inflationists here and others there.

Such sites already exist. I don't see why additional separation is necessary.


i saw it the other day it was soo funny.yah can we get a site for blueberries?

i shall walk this way once for i shall never walk this way again-the unknown poet


How is this episode called or what number? I want to see the whole episode too '_'


The episode I believe is called "Jackie moves on" and it is from Season 2 or 3.


Thanks :)

darth_clone19's picture

the most interesting part is on youtube. Go to a 70's show forum to ask for the whole episode.

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darth_clone19 wrote:
the most interesting part is on youtube. Go to a 70's show forum to ask for the whole episode.

Yes, I know it's on youtube. That's why I want to see the whole episode. And I found it ;)