Girl Inflations

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darth_clone19's picture

Well, if they liked it they were bisexual. I once heard that naturally, humans were bisexual. The enviroment makes one lead towards homosexuality or heterosexuality. Of course, I dont know any more deatails, though Ive speculated a lot about it.

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Depends on what view you take. One method is the Tabula En rasa, which means people are blank slates from the get go- thier sexuality is detirmined through expiereince.

Others believe we have certian biological cues, so on and so forth. I'd imagine its somewhere inbetween.


I wouldn't be inclined to believe tabula en rasa as there has to be some kind of natural predisposition towards heterosexuality.

Our closest relatives the bonobo or pygmy chimpanzees I know are kind of bisexual.

darth_clone19's picture

Exactly. Some people wont admit, but without the tendency towards heterosexuality, no species would survive. But, since we enjoy sex, we have homosexual dispositions too. I know of animals who also enjoy sex.

I dont know if dogs enjoy it, but my dog is a little gay, lol. Although males humping other males is a sign of dominance, more than sexual.

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Like I said, I believe its somewhere inbetween. Nature will afford any species some instinctual preferences so that they can survive. I.E Eating sharp things are bad.

That being said, espicially in a society like ours, where everything is pretty secure, people are going to have a lot more variety of thought and choices as opposed to a society where everyone is depending on you to have a kid.

darth_clone19's picture

Well, about that, Im not sure. If a society is made of people who are less stupid than our western acestors, homosexuality wouldnt be taboo even in small communities. The biggest factor is the religions we developed, which infuse a lot of cultural baggage, probably more than our enviroment. There were ancient cultures where homosexual acts werent frowned upon. Greece is one, and I understand the japanese civilization also held no problems with homosexual acts.

But anyway, its not about choice. Thats the problem people have with homosexuality. Being a religious taboo, the problem people have with it is that its a choice people make. Well, its not. People dont choose to be homosexual. The sooner we get that out of our heads, the better.

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Whether you inherent it from genetics OR your enviroment, your sexual preference is never really a concious choice- that wasn't what I was saying.

darth_clone19's picture

Well, my bad, but this paragraph threw me off.

You wrote:

That being said, espicially in a society like ours, where everything is pretty secure, people are going to have a lot more variety of thought and choices as opposed to a society where everyone is depending on you to have a kid.

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Fair enough, it is a misleading paragraph.

To elaborate, I mean that the need to have children isn't a dire one, thus a person is not going to feel forced to repress these feelings, nor will there be an evolutionary incentive for everyone to be heterosexual.

In Zoos, where a similar enviroment is presented, Penguins have choosen same sex life mates - Something that would not have happened in the wild.


"Who thought up of making girl inflations and never boys.I mean i'd much rather look at a girls body than a man.Like wat about the girls like looking at other girl bodies? :?:"

Now I'm gonna be an d*ck and ask... Why? I mean, no one thought up anything. No one made any rule. As people said, the majority of artists, writers, are male. So it's fairly obvious they'll draw more female.
Later, when women started to get interest into it, they showed more predisposition for being inflatees, because 1.) They started seeing more artwork about women and 2.) Let's face it, women do looks damn better than men, in any style of art or photo.


I was just skimming this conversation and it looked interesting so now I’m posting...

But I'm a straight female. I will agree with you guys that I'd much rather look at an over inflated woman than a man, and personally I think it’s because of all the images of women I’ve seen before. The female body is supposed to be sexy, cute, attractive, delicate whatever. When I see a pic, or read a story about an over inflated woman, it just feels like her body is being emphasized, so now she’s twice as sexy, twice as cute, twice as attractive, ect. That’s just my two cents.

darth_clone19's picture

RustyNail, thats very a very interesting, and cute, take on it. I like it a lot. Maybe theres a subconscious thing to it. Making her proportions bigger, even if she grows to cartoonish, over inflated proportions, her assets as a woman are being amplified. I say subconsciously cuz I dont like big women. Not too big anyway.

This person though doesnt get it (link below)and says inflationists are sexists. So, RustyNail, by you wanting to inflate women means you are denigrating yourself as a woman lol According to the logic of people like her, the artist of this drawing.

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Heck...I'll chime in my long-haired two cents worth!

I studied prehistoric art in college and got an affinity for it. I'm really into the cave paintings in Western Europe and ancient burial sculpture in Eastern Europe, being facinated by man's progression in depicting his environment through art. (Yes, I like those chubby horse paintings at Lascaux.:P)

There is a tendency to over exagerate female attributes, like the breasts and belly, in most ancient depictions of the female form (as in the famous Venus of Willendorf). It's theorized that ancient and modern man (and probably women to some extent) are preprogrammed with a link to this kind of visual imagery, relating it to fecundity in women. The two working theories on such art is that it either depicts pregnancy, or that images of strapping, chubby women depict good health and nutrition, and therefore good breeding potential.

Interestingly, depictions of male forms outside of simple phallic art are almost non-existant.
Notice a pattern!:wink:

Based on the fact that most people interested in inflation finds it sexual on some level, may indicate that those people are still tapping into a deep fertility related "race memory" and that it's so ingrained that it's independent of a persons sexual preference.

Are modern blinding influences of religious taboos and the cultural prefernce placed on "skinnyness" to blame for people who find our kink incomprehensible? Most likely, considering that depictions of women in art up until the 20th century tended to be a bit on the chubby side.

We probably owe it to our Cro-Magnon ancestors and millions of years of human evolution to keep inflation art alive! (you didn't realize how important it was, did ja?):lol:

darth_clone19's picture

Now, for my own long haired two cents.

Thats very interesting, BH, and makes sense. At least, we have some sort of defense now. lol

With posts like these, where we do introspection and analyze oue own kink, makes me even more irked that people make such a bid deal about us at DA, and are full of prejudices, calling us sexists and the like.

A question for the girls here. Do you gals feel like you are denigrating yourselves by indulging in your fantasies about other women blow up? lol Didnt think so.

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I think the answer is simply personal taste. It's not because "females inflate better" or anything like that, it's just that YOU think females look better inflated. Just opinion and just personal taste.

What I don't like is when male inflation is downtrodden by people. Sure, people who like it are in a minority, but it's no reason to say "Ew, keep that off this site!" or say "I would prefer if he was female" in response to a male inflation picture. Same things happens to people who draw inflation in general, but do we think it's right? No, 'course not.

I know no-one really said that to such an extent, but just in case...


Darth Clone, DA is so huge that there will always be people who are extremists. I figure that you should just back off and let them be pissed about it. They’re probably not going to change anything, right? People like that just scream and yell and post insults about people who are into this. They’re probably not going to actually take action to try and make it "right".

It really is a matter of personal taste. If you like it, then you like it. What are you gonna do about it? There’s no reason to go stomping on people just because they’re doing something that is of a minority.

darth_clone19's picture

It seems it happens, but Ive never seen it here. Sure, sometimes we give comments like "If only she was a girl" If I make a comment like that, its because maybe, I feel not enough pics are drawn that certain way, and itd be cool if they were. But, it was a shame it was a guy. But, I dont think I would say that. Though I think I did once, dont remember.

It may come from personal taste, but I guess for us scientifically inclined, prefer what Fukureruba said lol Personal taste is refined consciously. But what you like subconsciously...thats hard to modify, and hard to have a "personal taste" about it. So, its something inside, beyond the person.

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RustyNail wrote:
Darth Clone, DA is so huge that there will always be people who are extremists. I figure that you should just back off and let them be pissed about it. They’re probably not going to change anything, right? People like that just scream and yell and post insults about people who are into this. They’re probably not going to actually take action to try and make it "right".

Exactly. And what can they do. Have all inflationist kicked off DA? If that happens, then DA will have basically destroyed what's left of the little credibility for "open-mindedness" that they already have. Good riddance to them if they do.

These kind of people have always been around since day one...always shooting their mouths off about stuff they know nothing about. People who think with their glands instead of their brains are a dime a dozen.

But...I'm not going to let some lonely, 13 year-old, pimply-faced, close-minded, hypocritical, smart-ass loser, who's convinced themselves that they are some kind of social luminary, upset me over some harmless kink I've had for 30+ years. Especially when they are uneducated about what they are blabbering about and just trying to get the attention they so desperately crave.

If they don't like it...they shouldn't look at it. That's always been a pretty good rule. And I just bet that whatever far-out shit THEY are into could be the next target of some "big brain" just like them.

Darth, It doesn't matter WHAT you are into, there will alway be brainless, aggressive people who want to destroy it. Even something as pure as Jesus or the Buddha are not immune. Just ignore them...they'll never be any different than they already are and they're the ones who look like idiots in the end.

Inflate123's picture

If our presence is some sort of passive threat to DA...not our problem.
