iv dun it air inflation at lest 3 times so i know its posibil. im just looking wase to make body inflation safer easyer and les panful.
dokters alrede do it, look up "Laparoscopic abdominal insufflation surgery"
one problem with air inflation is som air allwase tob diaphragm and lungs wen you try to xhal it gos panfuly up the nek.
i red about a girl that put air in her boobs, the air went up her nek into her face and puft up her eye lids she cood not see!
my speling is bad but i am dedly serus
Nothing you mentioned works and most of it will probably kill you. There is no inflation surgery, injection, and doctors will send you to a asylum for asking.
Put the idea out of your head and don't think about it again. It's all fantasy, nothing more.