how meny of you do real body inflation?

how meny of you do real body inflation and if you do how do you do it?

if you do body injection inflation how do you avoid infektions?

if you do uper body air injection how do you keep it from between your diaphragm and lungs

ar ther any lejitimt dokters that do body inflation SURGERY?

forgiv mi spelng


Nothing you mentioned works and most of it will probably kill you. There is no inflation surgery, injection, and doctors will send you to a asylum for asking.

Put the idea out of your head and don't think about it again. It's all fantasy, nothing more.


iv dun it air inflation at lest 3 times so i know its posibil. im just looking wase to make body inflation safer easyer and les panful.

dokters alrede do it, look up "Laparoscopic abdominal insufflation surgery"

one problem with air inflation is som air allwase tob diaphragm and lungs wen you try to xhal it gos panfuly up the nek.
i red about a girl that put air in her boobs, the air went up her nek into her face and puft up her eye lids she cood not see!

my speling is bad but i am dedly serus


I remember you posting this BS a long time ago about other things. It is not real. t wll cause an embolism. You will get severly injured and die. If you want to continue on about it, this is not the place.

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!

valka's picture

Wait, I just dont get it. Why we are talking about air embolism? Insufflation doesnt mean that air will go in circulatory system. And it doesnt mean that it will inflate you a lot. Yes insufflation makes small cosmetic adjustments to your body by inflating air between your skin and adipose tissue in small proportions. Yes, its posible to make large adjustments to your body by dividing skin and adipose tissue on full body area. But it will cause death cause your skin wont get any oxygen, and that will cause your skin to die, decompose and fall to pieces. Insufflation is ONLY for smal cosmetic adjustments or for short time surgery operations when surgeons inflate your belly to have more working space inside. Without any medicine knowledges, i dont advise you to perform any surgery on your self. There are a lot of other ways to inflate yourself without any risk of diying. For Everyone: Inflate your stomach, bowels, or if you are women you can inflate your uterus with special pertubation equipment. Or use a really large balloon(cause small balloons are aesy to pop, especialy in your uterus), but it is realy difficult to get it inside. And that is the end of short lecture. Im sorry for my grammar - im from Latvia, where English i not well known. :)

Oh, and of course. If you are interested in something of what i have just told - drop me a line. 8)


why hasnt this jackass been banned yet?


Becasue he doens't need to be banned. Heh as as much a right to post as any of us, even if it is annoying. And air can seep into your blood stream through thin vein walls, sorta like water can by osmosis through a membrane.

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!

darth_clone19's picture

Dont give any advice. If people hurt themselves trying this, thats natural selection at work. Dont mess with it.

 -   Read my stories: 


hmmm so if he posts "advice" that gets somone killed then he doesnt deserve a ban? sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen...


does anyone not see the comedy in his writing? He's totally going for an accent which is impossible on the internet cuz you don't spell things the way you say them when you type, you just type the actual word. Even if he's from another country there's no reason his spelling should be THAT off the wall. I find it funny cuz it's so bogus ^_^