I don't know if any of you have heard of this file called "CleverEHooker", but more likely it comes up on my computer when I do Search and Destroy.
Does that file enter through this site or can it enter from other adult sites?
I don't know if any of you have heard of this file called "CleverEHooker", but more likely it comes up on my computer when I do Search and Destroy.
Does that file enter through this site or can it enter from other adult sites?
Thanks, Kane. It helps to know that is site is clear of such viruses.
I get like 30 spyware a month or so, which I didnt used to get. I figured the Limewire file sharing program might make some leak in, but Im not sure. Its a bit more than I used to get ever since I use Firefox, but its still way less than when I used IE.
Dont know how it relates to the topic, but its about spyware! lol
I tried digging up information on this little nasty (CleverIEHooker), and could only find information on what it is, not where it comes from.
There are no ads or adware on this site, so you wouldn't get infected that way. As long as your browser's patched and up to date, you should be safe from most automatic exploits as well.
Best advice for avoiding such things:
- Run both antivirus and anti-spyware software
- Avoid installing software from unknown/untrusted sources
- Use a browser other than Internet Explorer
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