Sounds like a good idea to me.
A Modest Proposal
On Another Threadâ„¢ there is a running conversation about the current state of writing in the inflation community. One commenter laments the type of feedback writers usually get for a story and he, though blunt in his characterization of it, makes a good point. A respondent correctly points out that often poor story quality is the result of inexperience and that, unfortunately, not everyone is interested in improving their writing skill.
For me, the few stories I've released so far are the first creative writing I've done in a while. Now that some time has elapsed since I posted them, I've been able to self critique (né cringe) and evaluate them more subjectively for the sake of improving future projects. In my capacity as a writer, I want to improve. There are some talented writers (some who are professionally so) in the community and their efforts are self evident. Others are, indeed, new yet show great promise.
The Proprietor has kindly provided a place in the forum for writers to solicit feedback, but it doesn't get much use (I must confess that I haven't paid enough attention to it). In some cases, talented writers no longer post their work here - perhaps due to the quality of feedback, perhaps not. There is, I sense, a general feeling of ennui seeping into the community.
So, to all this, I have a proposal: in the interest of improving their craft, it's time for those so motivated to start helping each other by forming some sort of loose collaboration. I don't know exactly what it would be called (maybe something such as "Inflation Writer's Guild", if such a thing does not already exist) but entry into such a group would be predicated on:
*Must have an inflation story posted somewhere.
*Must be willing to give and accept constructive criticism
*Criticism given must be without malice and be accepted with this knowledge.
*Must be committed to improving the overall state of Inflation, uh, Literature (*ahem*)
As noted in the other thread, writers and artists appreciate feedback and those wishing to improve desire more than just compliments (though they'll never turn them down :wink: ). The means to do all this exist on this forum already and I think such an effort would improve the quality of what we see posted as well as the quantity.
Is there any interest out there for this?
I would like to join as well. Seeing that I've been having some writer's block with all my other non-inflation stories I'm working and it would be nice to work with someone on writing a story together and help improve my skills for various future projects.
Interesting...very interesting. I like the sound of it. Maybe if I have the time I'll join as well. My deal is time. Hah. XD
I feel awkward submitting, even writing, inflation stories, or any type of fetish story. I like to leave as little trace as possible between me and my alter ego (darth_clone), but I have written a few chapters on interactive stories on (even started my own, Super Heroine inflation, if anyone is interested) I dont know if those chapters would help me become a memeber of this, but Id like to give serious feedback on inflation stories. The thing is that fetish stories are so different, because the themed fetish is the most important thing in the story, and if I dont like that (say, a water inflation story or blueberry), I might not comment cuz I dont want any part of it. Of course, I can leave my prejudices aside and give insightful comment, even if it would mean reading a blueberry story.
Of course, Im assuming all those expansion types are gonna be, sadly for me, dominant in a guild like this one.
Also, SvenS, what are the stories you've posted?
I would join, as long as you guys didn't mind the fact that there are very large time gaps between my stories.
It's an interesting idea, definitely. Also been tried a time or two before, but never very seriously.
I'm in. I suffer from alternating periods of laziness and writer's block, but I'd be happy to contribute.
Again, just to be clear, the purpose of such a group would be to improve the overall state of its members' prose. No pats on the back, no "attaboys" or "attagirls" - constructive criticism is what would be sought. Likewise, unsubstantiated derision would not be accepted (i.e. "dude, tht succed. y ru not rite gud") and would be actively discouraged. Critics would be required to make the case for their arguments which, in itself, is an activity that would improve writing quality among those who would care about doing so.
A required reading assignment would be Inflate123's most excellent Advice for Writers.
Spelling, grammar, plot devices, character development, story structure - everything would be open for review and opinion. There could even be a standard template for responses. For instance, a review would begin with a written evaluation developed from an itemized score card at the review's end.
"If the English language were Kool-Aid, then this story would be Jim Jones. Let me elaborate..."
Sentence Structure
Character Development
Theoretically, how would we go about carrying this out? A Yahoo group? A separate forum? If someone has (or can get) web space that runs PHP and MySQL, I can provide the expertise to get a forum up and running. I could also even write scripts to handle the report card idea.
The only potential roadblock I see involves one aspect important to the success of this would-be community - interaction. It requires effort from the writer to write a story and post it for review, and it takes effort from the rest of the community to respond with feedback in a timely fashion. The expectation should be (IMO) that, within a few days of posting a story, the writer would have a useful amount of feedback. So, everyone who's in it should be dedicated to participating in some fashion.
Nothing new requires setup; Luther has already created the appropriate Forum. There is no reason it can't begin immediately. Here's what I suggest:
If you would like some serious feedback to a story as discussed above, then go to the Feedback Forum and post its title and a link to it (as Luther demonstrates in his example, but include "Writer's Guild" in the post title, i.e. "Writer's Guild: The Getaway". Respondents, try to use the format I've outlined above - a written critique based on scoring detailed below it. If you have a better idea for the format, by all means tell us and give it a try and everyone will evaluate it.
I would ask those who have not decided to participate in the Guild to refrain from posting to the topics labeled as a Writer's Guild one. Membership - no lists needed. Merely self identify your story as outlined above.
You DO NOT have to post a review for every story - no deadlines, no schedules (same for stories). Being a member of the Guild means that when you give criticism, it must follow the rules outlined above. As a member, criticism must be accepted as being made in good faith (I don't know how or if there should be a provision for defending one's work).
Those not following the rules will be called on it. Please refrain from chatting with each other from within the reviews - save that for the Writer's Den.
In the shortest post you'll ever see from me, "I'm in."
I agree with what you said, wrote, or whatever, and I'd love to be part of a writers guild. heh, I know I have about 4 stories rolling around in diffrent stages of completion, that i just don't have moviation to write mainly cause I can't get feedback. I'd love ot have a system set up or something where writers can get together, toss around ideas, plots, bits of the story, and really improve, cause I know i can always use help :)
No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.