Blooberboy's "through the roof" on page two is great

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Blooberboy's "through the roof" on page two is great

now if he would only do a sequential story board of this hot pic to show where it started and where its going that would be great. He draws fantacy inflation girls the way I like'em on the "fat" side with suggested growning weight, "back" and heaft. Hope to see more of his style as this 1st rate art and fantastic erotica...


I've never known BB to draw that much W...mostly inflation as far as I know...

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!


Okay, maybe there's too much blood in my caffeine system, but which page two are you two talking about? 8O

DA, this site, somewhere else :?:


in the main gallery...two elf madens are fattening up belly to belly...would be nice without the tails and elf ears...just a preference...but the main theme is hot...
like his style and his technique that shows weight tain instead of inflation...


Ummm... That picture isn't by Blooberboy, It's by Idol-monkey. I can unnerstand the confusion, though, with the Big bloober picture in the background...
But yeah, they do art trades all the time.
(relevant dev-art sites)

Blooberboy's Deviant Art

Idol-monkey's Deviant art

Just to clear up some confusion...