just wondering if anyone has a copy of this scene, if not does anyone know which sean it is from or even better the episode name
Allo Allo! BE scene
Wed, 12/06/2006 - 17:52
Allo Allo! BE scene
Thu, 12/07/2006 - 06:32
I've got it, it was on Inflate123's archive. Dunno where i could post it, Maybe on Youtube? heh, but not quite sure how that works...
Thu, 12/07/2006 - 09:02
well could you post it to youtube please its very simple to use, at the main page near the top right corner , there is up load video option andd after that it ells you what to do....
Thu, 12/07/2006 - 19:23
as I rememeber it was a rather well done inflation.
Fri, 12/08/2006 - 00:27
K, uploaded! Anyone else want anything from ye olde vault? I've got the whole thing on my comp, just ask and you shall recieve. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNOgNpj3HOE
Fri, 12/08/2006 - 02:04
Ah, good ol' Nazi humor.
Fri, 12/08/2006 - 02:29
Heh, indeed :) Any other things you'd like me to post on youtube from the vault?
I saw it a long time ago, but I have very little info for you. The only thing I seem to remember is that the BE was cased by a poisonous marsh toad.