Chaps interested in Chat/RP Repository

Like the previous thread, this is a repository for guys who are interested in leaving their MSN/Yahoo/AIM details and details of what they are interested in for the purposes of Chat or RP. SO if you have already left details on another thread, repost them here. Like the previous thread, there are house rules: No girls posting here and no replying to other people's posts, only posts containing your own details. Also like the previous thread, and I'm sure this doesn't need drummed in too hard, you leave contact details here at your own risk, please don't post mobile numbers or anything like that. And be prepared for whoever might contact you. Neither me, and certainly not Luther are responsible for protecting you from whosoever may contact you. Thank You.


I'll make a start...

I use yahoo messenger, and my profile name is carnatic_hall... I am interested in inflation with air (breasts, butt and full body) mainly and especially in popping. I don't really RP but I do like to chat about our fetish and I might occasionally RP with women. I also do art and writing and I like to chat to other artists and writers about that.

Fairia's picture

I am a female member here. I use YIM and go by giftate76. I am interested inflation by air/helium and blueberry, and also WG for anyone interested. I do RP's and with either guys or girls, depending on how it's set up and also talking to the person for a bit if they're new to me before doing anything. I write and occasionally do drawings in those subject manners, but usually have more writings for it up.

*EDIT* I just realized this was for the guys only. Is there any way to move it to the ladies category?


Obviously I'm a guy. AIM is gokuson434, Yahoo is gokuson123, and MSN is Yes, I know they are similiar, I've had them for many years since I was young. I like all forms of inflation, popping too. I am very varied, and like to RP and chat as well. Am willing to give out my cell, I don't mind :)

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!


it seems i was the straw that broke the camls back, and i was my first post too, oh well at least something good for all came from it, mad props carnatic. the ladies interested in inflaation chat can reach me on yim under scorpious1109

if any ladies would like to rp, pm me anytime here or on yahoo



I'd love to exchange fantasy-oriented emails or private messages. I'm specifically interested in inflating girls with helium until they're so light they float. Where we go from there is "up" to you...

Reach me via private message on this site, or in email to blownup (at)

-Blown Up


I'll jump on the bandwagon. I enjoy a wide variety of situations ^_~

PM me here if you want more information.

I am the one and only Tiger Pillow©

mosherballoon's picture

ok, i'm a guy who likes to rp, i like to be the inflatee and enjoy both men or women inflating me. i'm not into popping and enjoy full body inflation. my msn is


Mosherballoon your the best I would like ur videos my email is

mosherballoon's picture

ok, i'm a guy who likes to rp, i like to be the inflatee and enjoy both men or women inflating me. i'm not into popping and enjoy full body inflation. my msn is i am willing to give my mobile number to people in the UK. and thank you carnatic for setting these threads up.

darth_clone19's picture

I like to chat about inflation, but I also like to RP with women, and Im fairly good at it I would say. But just chatting with any girl about it is enough. I like body inflation, I prefer with helium, until she reaches parade balloon size. What can I say? I like festivities :) Usually, I prefer inflation against the will of the inflatee. If any girl wants to do it to me, I guess that'd be ok too.

My AIM is darthtroop, my YIM is darth_clone19 and my msn is

 -   Read my stories: 

bostoncowboy's picture

i like chatting and rping. i have all chat platforms minues ICQ. just send me a pm or click on one of my buttons at the bottom of this message.


I am obviously a guy whois interested in breast and butt inflation, and I'm also into weight gain. I usually like to be the receiver but I can also be the active person in those sorts of rps. I really like getting dominated and gender switching or growing or changing individual parts into that of another gender. I am happy to be with guys or girls. Please no blueberry's or popping, and no whole body inflation where you end up like a perfect sphere. I've probably confused you enough, so here are my sn's
AIM:funnybunnychow or tuishui


Also a guy here. I love both male and female inflation, and am willing to be either the inflator or the inflatee. I love round body inflation, breasts, and butt with helium, air, or blueberry. Helium is my favorite and I love floating XD Also into popping and balloon transformation.

I'm willing to go into the PG-13 and R-rated portions of RPing too if you wish. Drop me a line on AIM or YIM. Contact me if interested, I look forward to it!


Guy here, and interested in everything. (WG, helium, blueberry, water, and a bit in to popping.) Just drop me a PM, or contact me.
AIM: tasukete86
YIM: defilerzero

Plus, also enjoy chatting about inflation, since I draw and started writing. I'll love to discuss ideas.


dude interested in belly, hips, and bea, blueberry, etc


Interested in gas and liquid inflation, from G to R. Drop me a note.


Well... i'm new to the site, but definitely not inflation. I'm a guy, duh, and I would love for a girl to play around with inflation. My AIM name is beamerbmw0911 (it's old, so don't ask). I'm into just about any kind of fun, nonviolent inflation you can think of, and i love those who are creative with their ideas. Except for foot inflation. I totally dont get that. other than that, I'm good with anything. Please gimme a ring chat. <3


I am looking to chat or rp, but my English is not that good, since I am from Brazil. Inflator or inflatee. All kinds of inflation, but I do really enjoy butt. Helium, air, water, blueberry.
Into popping too.



That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!


I'm normally on AIM a LOT, so feel free to message me at projectomicron88. I'm into just about anything except male inflation.



I'm a lurker. Names jackie. I'm rather new to the genre. But I do rp it as well. Everything flastion wise except breast expansion. I'm a bit queasy on that one.

AIM: VampChekDoc


Heh well i'm a guy and i'm interested in ALL kinds of inflation but popping is overall the best part for me...I have blown up others before and yet usually it's me thats getting blown up heh. I have many other likes so feel free to ask

AIM - Dmlrd
YIM - Jasufox


Hi. I'm a female member and intrested in being the victim of getting larger, fuller breasts and becoming heavily pregnant.


Make your own "No such thing as girls on the Internet" crack here, folks.

bigg_boss82's picture

guy here and im intrested in finding girls that like to talk about inflation and rp. im mainly into belly inflation torture with water or air/ my yahoo name is


E-mail me at, I prefer helium/hydrogen/air, or most liquids,WG. I can be inflater/inflatee, will chat with either gender, and I love going BOOOM!

HappyPhantom's picture

I hope nobody minds me reviving this old thread, but it seemed like the right place to go.

Hello there! I've been lurking around here for a little while now, but I figured that it was about time that I gave this a try. I'm looking for some new people to play with, to expand and be expanded by, and to generally have some good, naughty fun with.

I'm a guy, just reaching my 20's, and I have a pretty vivid imagination, so I'm open to a lot of different ideas. More importantly, I swing both ways, so I can have fun playing with anyone. Believe it or not, though, I'm mostly looking for some guys to play with; I've found that women in this field can be a little shy sometimes, but guys know exactly what they want (don't be afraid to prove me wrong, though, ladies).

So, if you're at all interested, let's have a little fun! Give me a shout over AIM or Yahoo anytime I'm around.


Guy here, you can check my profile here but if you're too lazy, can b e reached at jamesrifle1861 at YIM (usually after 1130 pm, but better on weekends). I like inflation and sometimes WG. Will use any medium reasonable, but dislike blueberry stuff. Love popping (but not gory stuff), will take either role, will RP with either gender, much prefer involuntary/accidental inflation (more the former than the latter).


Happy Phantom, you tricked me! I thought I was going to be Iming someone new. :P


Figured I might as well add my name to the list.

YIM: bungjiggery
AIM: Kurgfeltch

I'm a fan of most types of inflation, though air and breath inflation are by far my favorites, especially if the theme involves competition or pride in some way (the Aesop's Fable 'The Frog and the Ox' was a MAJOR influence on me). I enjoy explosive conclusions, but they aren't necessary by any means, and I find I can get a kick out of just about anything. I'm comfortable in male or female roles, and have a fairly innovative imagination (I've been told I'm very good at creating interesting characters).

Anyone interested in chatting or RPing can usually find me online in the evenings. Cheers.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

fwoomp's picture

Into transgender transformations, wg, inflation, no popping or gore, all parts, lately butt.

Ping complete

HappyPhantom's picture

It's been a little while, so I thought I'd pump some life into this thread once more.

Looking for someone descriptive and imaginative to play with? Well, look no further! Give me a shout any time; screen names are listed below.


Another guy here. I am open to anything PM me for AIM or YIM info.

I'm mean. 


hi, prefer to be the inflator by any means really not picky lol, into breast,butt and belly ,

generally rp with females but dont have a huge prob with rping with blokes playing females

imvu: unicronsangel

have fun happy inflating all

boomer's picture

Hi everyone i've been here awhile but dont talk much (kinda shy) but i would love to start roleplaying again with people and maybe have a decent conversation.

i'm male but will work with anyone

YIM: blublzr99


Well, haven't done much in way of RP-ing as of yet. Prefer to be inflatee. Doesn't matter if it's male, female, or male being female, etc. Can be racy or tepid depending on the mood. I use MSN

I want you to shave your beard, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over a rainbow


Figured I'd post. I have my contact info up but anyway YIM: lord_o_slivers AIM: sharkdudemgs I prefer women being women, i guess guys as women if i dont know your a guy :P and i do all sorts of inflation, feeding, bondage, multiple girls, and all that stuff but no popping...

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud

Figure why not, I don't RP but I do enjoy chatting about the idea of the fetishes. I am into WG, inflation, mostly full body and enjoy both male and female inflation.

AIM: GraveKnight366
Yahoo: hellboy881

If I dont respond right away I apologize, I have both services on my phone and I like to leave them on just in case. I don't purposely ignore people messaging me XD.


Male into Body, Belly, Boob, Butt, Forced, Inflation and Sometime Death by Inflation.

Email (Yahoo/WindowsLive!)


Hmmm still here eh? well my info is on page 1 or 2 along with in the messenger tabs

Dr_Skwirl's picture

[Post deleted; user no longer interested]

Ratbiker's picture

hey i love to RP. i like to be the inflatee, but i can also inflate others just as good. and i'm into anything especially getting super massive! :D

YIM: mcleaner48
MSN: mcleaner48 @



I love all kinds of inflation mainly with water and food, inflation of only girls (no men)and not a RP, and I love the popping so much! my msn and

WakkaFan's picture

I thought I already posted my contact info in the thread. Whoops.

I'm sometimes into RP but I usually always enjoy at least talking about inflation and all that. Mainly into full body and helium but can be flexible. Into female inflation or self inflation.

Yahoo ID: Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

blowup_boy's picture

I'm into being the inflatee, prefer guy on guy, but don't mind a girl inflating me.

I like unwilling inflation either belly or full body. Can be anything from air, fat, water, blueberry etc.

Popping is ok, after all, you're the one in control ;)

inflatable_dino on yahoo blowupboy on youtube.


Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


I like being either the inflatee or inflator, mostly enjoys heavier inflation such as water or blueberry. Also I'm a huge fan of transformation and vore, so liking those is a plus.

Ifrite_2000- YIM MSN
Quezelacot- AIM


I will re post my details. I'm a Cross dresser who loves to chat about being inflated, I've had some really horny chats with a few guys from here. Anyway you can get me on aim (aol) slickrubber1. I even like to be popped


Prefer inflating women but willing to be inflated, and am fine with guy-guy inflation too. Name on yahoo is thechamppaladin

Inflation style, doesn't matter, i'm a fan of it all


using the very unorigional name of balloonboy84 on yahoo

Love to rp and hcat about all kinds of inflation!

Looking to meet someone for regular weekend roleplays!


Hey I'm lostsoul2k2003 on yahoo and on msn.

I like belly and body inflation best, my favourite rps are when a girl, or at least a guy playing a girl blows me up and I love popping. It's kinda forced but playful too so I'm looking for people to rp that with. And of course I'm always up for female characters inflating too


Im up for whatever. Im usually into blueberry, WG, boob, butt, lip. But chatting is chatting. YIM:Blueboy99511