Interesting thing to try

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Interesting thing to try

Hey, Im not new to the site but I am to the forums, since I could never think of something to post. I thought this would be the perfect thing. After seeing a video of a guy that at mentos then drank soda and inflated himself, I tried it. I didnt use as much as he did, but it still worked. I first ate five mentos (one is okay, but eating five in a row is borderline torture). After that was thankfully done, I grabbed a can of diet coke (other diet sodas will probably work fine too) and drank it down. I didnt realize anything had happened until I went to the bathroom and saw that my stomach had inflated a good 3-5 inches! I knew that it was gas and not me was because when I suck my stomach in, it normally goes in pretty far. However, when I tried to suck my stomach in, it hardly went in. The best part is that the only effects I felt were the urge to burp (any trust me, you will burp alot). Luckily (or maybe not), even if you burp alot, since all the gas is in your intestines, you wont deflate. I did this about 20 minutes ago and alot of the gas is still in me. Also, it doesnt cause any discomfort. Now, I only tried this with 5 mentos and 16oz of diet coke (2 cans). I might try more mentos and/or soda later, but right now, I couldnt eat another mento. Still, its pretty cool. However, if you decide to try this, I take no responsibility for this since I didnt think it up. If you want to see the video I was talking about, here it is:

Sorry if this has already been discussed.I hope to post here more often. If enough people find this interesting, I might try it again, but with more coke and mentos.


Actualy, good job as no one has really said any actual amounts they tried. Now we all have something to go on :)

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!


The only other video I've seen of anybody eating Mentos and drinking diet coke only resulted in the guy puking and crapping his pants at the same time.

If anybody is really hell-bent on trying this, start small, I guess.

Jimster280 wrote:
The only other video I've seen of anybody eating Mentos and drinking diet coke only resulted in the guy puking and crapping his pants at the same time.

ROFL :lol:



Long Time I dont write, IRL problems. I have tryed the mentos thing, my girlfirend also. At the first time, it was not ok, I felt really bad. Then, at next times, we used two cans of diet coke each, and 5 or 6 mentos, eating more later. It is a good thing to be done.

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!


Wow... the only time I heard mentos and diet coke together is on Mythbusters. >.< But that is neat. I gotta try that one day.

And I must also say, nice find Mayhem. :D


HAHAHAHA!To Jimster280:I do not know why,but your post just hit me right.That was hilarious.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!