Other Methods?

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Other Methods?

Hi, all!

My boyfriend is into belly inflation and we've been trying different things to recreate this fetish to the best of our abilities.

We've tried the bicycle pump method, which worked fairly well, but not to the degree that we'd like. {Also, it kind of upsets my stomach. :(}

We've also, more recently, tried the Diet Coke and Mentos, which also works, but again, not to the degree that we'd like. He thinks that we might have gone about that idea the wrong way, but we're not sure what the RIGHT way would be.

Are there any other methods that we should/could plausibly try? Do any of you have any suggestions to improve upon the methods we HAVE tried?



I think you're better off using an automatic fish tank pump, since that's what everyone uses. The rule being that you should stop if there's pain (for the sake of safety, I'd say an upset stomach counts, too). The main reason why the results were disappointing may have been your lack of capacity. It involves muscles and those need to be stretched out naturally over time, which you can relax with, say, a hot bath beforehand.

I wouldn't really encourage you to keep it up, even though I'm considering doing it myself some time. Please know that there are risks. Yoga inflation is safer, even though I don't think you can ever quite get as much air in as the previous methods.

doubleintegral's picture

Yoga inflation?

And I'm just curious, what kind of results (in terms of size) did you get with the Diet Coke / Mentos? What kind of results are you looking for?

dragon_6860's picture

To be entirely honest? I would'nt do anything. I've known some girls who have done that, with a fish pump, and while one was ok for a while, a girl she met almost died from ripping her intestines. you have to understand, it's not your stoumach that's inflateing really, it's your intestines, and that's really dangerous.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


Don't do any of these until several hours after eating, or it may cause vomiting, which is dangerous because of the risk of choking. Stop immediately if you think you're going to be sick. I've done this hundreds of times and it's never happened, but there is a small risk.

I would say use Plavini, the Yoga technique, and yes, do stop if there's any pain. Lie down and relax, then take a deep breath. This next bit is the most difficult to describe. What you do is breathe out slowly or gulp the air down into your stomach, in the same way as you would if you are trying to make yourself burp. Carry on until you feel full. Then wait a few minutes and do it again. While you're doing this, lie on your sides and swap over every now and again. The natural movements of your stomach and intestines will draw the air down while you wait, making space for more air.

You can also try these:

Hold your breath either in or out while you or your partner holds your nose, takes a deep breath and slowly blows it out into your mouth. Let them do it again a couple of times. This will achieve the same effect and has the advantage of participation.

Alternatively, you can use a bicycle pump. Once again, hold your nose and stick the tube of a bicycle pump in your mouth. Then either you or your partner can start pumping. The capacity of a bicycle pump is only about a pint, and that of the stomach is around five quarts, so it doesn't fill up too quickly, at least ten pumps should do it, and while that's happening the air will gradually trickle through to your intestines.

One problem with these last two methods is the ears. There are tubes connecting the ears to the throat, and being too forceful can put pressure on your eardrums and burst them. In younger people, this heals without scarring but if it happens a lot, scars form which can impair hearing permanently. So, either go gently or "clench" your ears - i can't describe how to do this.

I would say the disadvantages of inflation by mouth are the risk of vomiting and the fact that the stomach fills up quickly and it's a little hard to get past it, but it works if you wait and it only takes a few minutes to fill you up completely.

NEVER have air blown into your vagina. This can cause sudden death. I have actually blown air into someone before i knew this, and i got away with it, but it isn't worth the risk and it doesn't even seem to work very well. I would also think it could cause endometriosis, which is a condition where you bleed internally during periods. Also, don't try blowing into a penis, as it would be unbelievably painful. I would also steer clear of inflation using liquid of any kind because it could also kill by water intoxication. Besides that, you have to be quite gentle anyway. Rubbing lavender oil into your belly first also helps. There is also a herb, cramp bark (Viburnum opulus), that if you take it a couple of hours before you start, will relax the muscle tissue in your internal organs enough to make it easier and give bigger results.

It takes a lot of air to make people inflate. Once the stomach and intestines have filled up, which takes about forty pints of air i would say, the expansion is much slower because the air is compressed by the elasticity of your insides, and it takes a long time to get any further.

So: do it slowly and gently, and don't go too far the first few times. Eventually your body will get used to it and you will be able to get more air down. The time scale would probably be around fifteen minutes.

There may be some pain afterwards, and this can be quite bad. You can avoid this by having a warm bath after with relaxing oils like lavender.

I hope that helps.




why do people insist on trying such dangerous things for the persuit of a fantasy fetish?


Fantasy just ain't enough I suppose.


The misconception is that this is dangerous or fatal. Too much of anything is dangerous or fatal, you just have to use commmon sense. Inflation by itself is safe. Inflating past points of common sense or warning signs is not.


Wow... I didn't know people would take inflation to an extreme, but Nineteenthly explained a lot of things. I was confused by the first couple of posts on how this can be done, but he clarified everything.

Though I might not take it to these extreme, but I agree that a person should follow common sense. If it hurts, stop and take steps in the process. Much like working out, you should never push your limits during the first time.

Inflate123's picture

Have you considered costumes? For some folks it's not the same but it certainly has the least risk.


I've done it hundreds of times and i am still incredibly healthy and fit. Common sense says there is a risk, but everything in life carries a risk, like driving or crossing the road. As to why, well, in physical terms for me, this is the best experience it's possible for me to have, so why would i not want to do it?




People can do what they want. It's just that someone I used to chat with (yeah, yeah, I know it's the Internet, hush) was reportedly hospitalized after inflating themselves for years. I feel compelled to warn people and, in regards to myself, weigh the risks with any enjoyment that may be involved.

As it is presently, I'm going to need convincing before I know I won't end up giving some hapless emergency room orderlies an amusing and weird story to pass around. That's me, though.


I have medical experience, training and education and work in a medical profession (don't want to be more specific). I had various reasons for choosing this career of course, but one of them was to find out as much as possible about the risks and possibilities of actual inflation. I don't want to treat the information i've found as privileged, high priest type knowledge that only "initiates" are allowed to know, so i positively want to share my experience and knowledge with others. I suppose one problem with hospitalisation, apart from it being a problem in itself, would be that it could bring inflation fetishism into disrepute, but that's a bit of a weird idea anyway because who in the mainstream would think it was "normal"? The big problem, i suppose, would be that it might be considered primarily dangerous and the kind of thing people are lured into doing, or maybe coerced, like erotic suffocation or that incident where someone offered themselves up to be eaten. However, you can never _know_ anything is safe, and people take bigger risks all the time through their everyday activities, like alcohol, diet, lack of exercise and driving.




Hey, I'm sure it can be done safetly, I just wouldn't want to risk it. Its all about what you want to risk and no.

flationable's picture

I agree with Inflate123 here. Anything from (inflatable) costumes to stuffed clothing would be a healthier alternative.


Hi again!

Thank you all for your replies; they've been VERY helpful!

To answer a few questions, we didn't really have a specific goal in mind as far as size, just as big as I can safely get, I suppose. And with the Diet Coke/Mentos, my belly increased about 2-3 inches at most, I'd say.

We'll be sure to let you guys know how the other methods pan out! Thanks again!


Well I know I am a little late getting in on this topic.Anyway,good stuff by 19THLY.I have been trying to find someone who practiced it and also knew the hidden dangers of doing it long term.I always eat very little when I am preparing.I have combined air and water expansion a few times,you have to have trained your body at this for awhile before knowing how far to push yourself to larger expansion.In all things of body modification related to this,you cannot speed up the process of development.I had stopped doing it awhile back just for the reason that several of you mentioned,I was concerned about what it would do to my intestines,etc. over the long term.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!


have tried a few things anally,like sit on a large coke with the opening just pressed on my bung,give it a little shake and feel the pressure build up until its too much then starts heading in,dont need to shake the thing very much especially if its a fresh bottle,have tried a bunch of variations of the same thing,fixing a condom to the top of bottle and GENTLY shaking it causes a very nice filling feeling,have also put a couple of condoms on a hose and pushed it into my ass right in past the bend then fill it with water. if anyone here is keen to chat about what i have shared would like to hear from you
prefer to hear fom females but all things considered,even just to share stories of anal play or things you have done.....mine are a bit much for some people but keen to hear
im on msn messenger


there is someone that would inflate me(a men) i am a 17 student . italian...


there is someone that would inflate me(a men) i am a 17 student . italian...