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does anyone know where i can find downloadable mp3 files of girls being blown up and popped?

Inflate123's picture

There are a few here:


...but maybe it's time to create a Yahoo group or even suggest a gallery here to collect a bunch. I know there are others, but not many.

jack69 wrote:
does anyone know where i can find downloadable mp3 files of girls being blown up and popped?

There are a few free, demo mp3 files on Cyndi Irresistible's website (http://members.aol.com/cyndirresistible/), but you'd be hard-pressed to find such recordings otherwise. Inflation-related audio media is rather scarce in my experience.

Of course, you could always commission Cyndi for a custom recording, if you like.

Edit: Whoops. Looks like Inflate123 beat me to it. Oh well.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

mosherballoon's picture

there was a mp3 from audio book of 'harry poter and the prisoner of azkaban' where aunt marge blows up on a yahoo group. i'll try add find it for you.


You'll find some I did here, and some someone else did too