An idea for a inflation related game

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Mentalyinsane's picture
An idea for a inflation related game

Inflation pinball! (The idea just popped into my head this morning). Basically it's pinball, with an inflation twist. For instance, you know where the pinball gets hit by the plunger? Yeah, the place where you first see the pinball. Well instead of a pinball that gets sent there, there's a woman who starts to inflate (nice and round) before you pull back the plunger and send her flying. And you have to do something like get enough points so she doesn't pop, or get points so she doesn't deflate. And when she hits something, she moans or screams.
It would be cool if someone could do something like this. Cuz I think some people might like it. Tell me what you guys think of my idea.

The name's Noitalfin,


A long time ago i made a game in which you had to navigate an inflated girl through a dangerous maze and she was very difficult to controle because she would bounce and slide all over the place. When you popped her she would moan or gasp. Just sounded a bit like what you were describing ^_^

Archangel_Dreadnought's picture

Sounds like a programming nightmare to me (and an artistic one too)

So many inflation drawings lack flow/life, they are just a girl standing around with a hose stuck somewhere and large whatevers.


make it so she likes being iflated
wen she hits a iflat thing in the game she gats biger but she has a leek and you need to keep hitinn her agest iflat things so she doesn't deflate , if she deflates she fals through she sez "next time" and the gam ends
wen she gets ful enuf she orgazims but if she gets to ful her screams of joy tern to screams of pain befor she pops , if she pops you hav to wate befor you start the next game.
you get points for making her happy.

forgiv my speling


If anyone knows how to script in visual basic, this program looks good and its free.

sonic567 wrote:
If anyone knows how to script in visual basic, this program looks good and its free.

Hmm... interesting. I actually just finished my Intermediate VB course last quarter. These is something I have to look into. <_<