Dire-wasp's journal

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Dire-wasp's journal


For those of you don't know, Dire-wasp wrote a not e to his fellow deviant watchers and fans on Deviantart that he is attempting to take his own life.

If this isn't a joke then I just hope he doesn't go through with this.



Inflate123's picture

How amazingly pathetic and embarassing, not to mention poorly written. I call melodramatic 19-year-old, too-much-Radiohead-and-Nine-Inch-Nails, nothing-better-to-do-so-let's-see-what-happens bullshit.

I've known people with terminal illnesses and constant pain that took their own lives after long struggles, both physical and emotional. I still wish they hadn't. But the one constant in those siutations is they had a) expressable, specific reasons and b) none chose to reveal those reasons with a fake farewell pity party. "I will be too dead to judge your entries?" C'mon. And of course, there is absolutely no way for his "death" to reach us in the real world, so it's all a safe, sick joke. On you. Let's hear it for respecting the community.

This is neither an original idea nor an effective one, and I can't wait to see the insulting "social experiment" explanation when our hero comes back to his senses after realizing all he has to live for and/or "just to see if anybody cared." If you'd like, I'm betting we can all write it now. (Alternate ending: Dire-Wasp is dead, so "here's my new online nickname.")

Seeing juvenile soap-opera nonsense like this is the ultimate insult to anyone who ever did have a legitimate reason. And Dire-Wasp doesn't, so don't let yourself be emotionally manipulated by the amateur hour.

That's all the attention I'm giving this, and more than it deserves. Artwork fave refuckingmoved.


Inflate summed it up, but I can sum it up even better.



I'm completely in agreement with you on that one, Inflate. This is almost definitely a put-on.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/


After getting over my initial feelings of shock and horror at reading Dire-wasp's journal entry, I must also agree with Inflate123 on this. I hope to God he's right, and this IS just a pathetic cry for attention. Maybe I'm too forgiving of people, but I'd honestly be happier if this turned out to be a sick joke, rather than a genuine suicide note. At least then I could stop being depressed and worried over it and start getting angry. I'd rather be pissed at a whiney, melodramatic teenager for yanking my chain than mourning his death.

Christ. I fucking HATE Emos.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


You've got to be fucking kidding me.
the stupid kid actually goes and writes something like that....and excepts every one to believe him...



Come to think of it...I remember a couple years ago, some stupid idiot "emo" kid on myspace faked his own death by writing a fake and very badly typed suicide note.

He then fessed up to it by admiting that he wasnt dead..that he faked the whole thing and he only did it for publicity..

that kid was such a stupid fucking loser..and when reading dire wasps journal
I just had the same exact feeling..its amazing what some people do for publicity..


Instead of being rude, insensitive and all-out bashing him over what I find to be a faux-last-message-to-the-world deal, I'll just say that killing yourself is not the answer to solving all of your life's issues.

And since I can't find any articles about some 19-year-old committing suicide on Yahoo! news, I think that it's safe to say that this was just him expressing his feelings at the moment of his writing of the journal.

Caution: this user is a new guy in training.

Inflate123's picture

It takes a village to stop this kind of stuff, Blacklist. We've got a lot of people who don't know what to do with themselves after mom and dad turn off the camcorder and they realize they might no longer be the star of the show. OMG, look at how many people are on the stage with me!

If a heavy-handed response to this prevents the next one from happening, I'd suggest that it's worth it. It's hideously disrespectful to people who have actually taken such a dark path.

And surely there are better creative outlets than fake suicide scares? I agree that killing yourself certainly isn't the answer to solving all your issues, but neither is fake killing yourself. And for all my vitriol, anyway, that's the message I would like to deliver.


Man, I don't know. I think its fairly likely that this is his way of just bailing from the Community. Instead of a hearty good bye, he sends his internet persona off a cliff or whatever.

My first response was short, because frankly, I don't think anyone has time for this shit. I was just intially kind of shocked.


A couple of things. He’s very specific in his post what he’s planning without giving locations. My gut feeling about this is he was serious. I was hospitalized for the same ‘crap’. It might be a joke. It might not. However, I’ve been checking news services that can search anyway. Unfortunately, the Virginia Tech thing will blow something this small off the wires. So it’s unlikely to be confirmed or denied even by his web page going cobweb.

I suppose someone could report him to DA just on the off chance they’ll trace him. That wouldn’t be amusing as it’s very expensive to jerk the emergency services chain. Just threatening to do something like this can get you put in observation for 48 hours or so.

flationable's picture

Internet drama, emo kid wanting to become an hero, spouts it out on dA...Been there, seen that.


I never like to decide on this kind of thing one way or the other on the chance that I'm wrong, but this smells strongly of shenanigans to me.

darth_clone19's picture

Killing yourself is definitely not the way. I have a friend who made that mistake, and he sure knows not to do it again. He tells me next time he will try to look for some other way. Thankfully, he hasn't committed suicide again, but Ill be there to tell him "I told you so" if he does it again. Ahhh, friends.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

Inflate123's picture
darth_clone19 wrote:
Thankfully, he hasn't committed suicide again.

I do not speak from direct experience, but I was of the understanding that suicide was a one-time event.

Oh, and he didn't do it after all. Claims he was gonna, says he's sorry, realized it was all a mistake. Agreed.

Hopefully, other people will see his example and learn a valuable lesson from it: If you're going to post a suicide note on the interweb, for god's sake, get it copy-edited by a professional first.


Through my experience, the people who are actually serious of commiting suicide never inform you that they're going to do it. And they're always the last person you would think that would.

People that write letters or make phonecalls about a forthcoming attempt are just the Emo Kids that are crying for attention and ass pats through selfish means. If they really wanted to die, they wouldn't be dropping hints about stopping them.