Pneumatica City, first Collaborative Expansionary Effort

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darth_clone19's picture
Pneumatica City, first Collaborative Expansionary Effort

Hello, friends, this is long, but the ideas are fun. Read on.

I find myself compelled to share this with you, since those of us already involved (we are only 2 or 3 haha) want help from those interested. You should contribute only if you are interested, so don't make promises you cant keep. Once this thing gets rolling, then we can afford people promising things and backing out :)

Enough of that. We need help developing what I call (and just made up for no apparent reason) a CEE, A Collective Expansionary Effort. The first of its kind in the Inflation Community (and the world, didn't you see I made it up? lol). Think the Marvel universe, but with Inflation. That's it, in layman's terms.

Some of us in the community feel there aren't enough Super Heroine Inflation stories for some awkward reason we cant figure out. So, we've decided to promote the existence of this kind of story by creating a universe where super heroines (and villainesses) can inflate like balloons for the enjoyment of all! To do this, we need people to contribute.

As of now, those of us seriously involved, are Fukureru Shogun, Carnatic and yours truly.

It will consist of a series of stories (and comics and/or single drawings if you are interested), all featuring this city called Pneumatica City. What I mean is that those interested, would create charcaters and stories set in Pneumatica City. But, there will be a sort of canon, and rules that could be somewhat flexible, but we wont be making like episodic series or anything, so you wont be obligated to follow ANY type of storyline (although you must stay true to characters that are not yours, IF you are using them, UNDER THE CONSENT OF THEIR CREATOR).

The specifics for these rules and or canon are going to be discussed here by those interested. So in this preliminary, Ill give you an idea of what we are looking for, and you can expand on it. This is preliminary, and not really definite, so feel free to share. These aren't set rules, just general ideas.

1 - Those of us involved mainly work in the field of full Body Inflation, but partial inflation is gonna be accepted IF its not the only type of expansion in the story.

2 - Relating to this, is the idea that our world is somewhat cartoony. If you stick a hose in someone's mouth, or butt, or nose, whatever, they inflate. Its not cuz they have inflation powers, or because someone experimented with them, or magic (though all these factors are welcome in your particular story). But, we won't refrain from traditionally, "cliched inflations", since part of the main idea is that the inflations may be gags, or weird happenings, like a cartoon. This still doesn;t mean that somone inflating like a balloon is not a shocking thing. Its not like people go around inflating each other lol Thats not the point. For example, the villainess of my heroine uses, as her trademark, inflating people with her high tech helium tank. Its just helium, not helium made with a substance that makes flesh rubbery. (you can do this if you like. Think of it as a cartoon: people dont know a piano falling in their head doesnt kill em, they still avoid it anyway. Dont take this to mean people cant die on Pneumatica lol)

In short, this guideline means that whatever comes to your head relating inflation, you can do it. INflating them using a tire inflater on a gas station, or a villain that injects something that makes the heroine iflatable...all its possible. Dont think about realisms or physics.

3- There can definitely be popping, but not gory. You can do it dramatic even (think of caffienexaddict's Battle of the Bulge...if you've read it), just not gory.

4- I feel that, even if thats not our cup of tea, male inflation shouldn't be excluded, just not exclusive. This will be predominantly female inflation universe, but feel free to inflate male heroes, or bystanders. You can dwell on it even, just no exclusive male inflation as the center of a story. Its still Female Inflation.

5- Because of the idea of the inflations being like gags, or ways a villainess or villain just came up with desperately to get rid of the heroine, dont go mad creating Inflation related super powers for your heroes. Sure, they can exist, but we dont want them to be the norm. You can exclusively make your characters like that, but we dont want everyone to do it, making it the exclusive thing.

6- I also want Pneumatica City, Pneuma to its friends (other cities I guess), to be special, to have something that defines it. SOmething that can be present in every story. Maybe having places or things happen that are conmemorative to the inflation classics (Inflate 123, Kane, Wren, all these guys), or maybe a type of theme or story structure that might be a rule every one would follow. Give ideas.

Expand on these ideas, and say if you wanna participate. Lets crack these guidelines as quickly as possible so people can start making their Pneumatica City stories!

EDIT: On the fifth paragraph, I emphasized that what we want is people to write stories set in Pneuma; this is not a comission project.

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Sounds interesting.Im going to move there as soon as possible.^_-
I want to see if I get it,So,this is going to be like a "world" that has superheroes etc.its just that the physics are a bit(or a lot) different.
Sort of like the idea of say a Myst genre world where people are susceptible to a entirely different physics or whatnot.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!


Yay! I got referenced! And I'm so totally down to participate, sign me up. I was looking for a way to redo Billow anyway; and here I check the forum and the opportunity's waiting for me on a silver platter. I'll have to figure out a new power, backstory, and name for her; but I still want to do something with the character. Just drop me a line on DA with the sordid details.

...I meant that sarcastically.


*Signs inflatable contract with inflatable pen*

Art! Artwork! Character Designs! Comic Strips?
Count me in! But, leave me out until I actually produce some artwork. I don't want to end up being a let-down.
I may try a story or two, but I lack confidence in my writing. ^^;

mosherballoon's picture

well lets see, i make videos, planning inflation audio books, and i cant see why i can't contribute to this as well. i've already got ideas bouncing around in my how will this work? i mean for example:i design a super heroine, write a story with her in and someone else makes the comic?? or i do all the work but keep the comic about the pneumatica city universe?


I think its flexible. If you want to collaborate, its good, if you want to do it all yourself, also good.

I'd think any contribution- a single character, a story, a picture, its all good!


I'm VERY interested in this, though it may be a while before I'm able to contribute anything. I'm incredibly busy in real-life at the moment - I'm working, taking evening classes, AND I'm in the midst of preparing to move - so I don't have a whole lot of free time on my hands. Still, if there's any way I can contribute, just let me know (writing is my main area of expertise - character creation in particular).

This sounds like an impossibly cool idea. :D

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

darth_clone19's picture

Ok, Ill answer everyone that has posted till now:

digdug: Thats the thing, we cant pay any heed to physics AT ALL. If your charcater falls into a basin with a substance that makes em inflatable, do it. But, if you want the villain to just stick a hose down her throat (or bum, whatever orifice), do that too. No restriction whatsoever in there.

caffiene: You can do Billow, with all her powers and everything. I just dont want Pneumatica to be like ATG's world, where everyone's power is related to inflation (which she pulls off magnificently). Sure, inflation related characters are welcome, I just want to make mention that making inflation related charcaters is not the norm. This relates to the inflation method being free (that can be a rule that would incorporate all i said to digdug: Free selection of Inflation method - we could start our own literary exapnsion movement lol!)

kuumuzu: sure, your talent is welcome.

mosherballoon: thanks for your question, cuz it made me consider the way I phrased the whole thing. This is not going to be like a comissions project. The idea is that you create characters, write your OWN story, but following certain guidelines, which we are trying to decide here. I mentioned the comics because if you dont write but still like the idea of Pneumatica, you can do inflation artwork set in that world. Of course, not deviating from the rules of the stories (like no exclusive partial inflation for example)

Fukureru: like I told mosher, thanks for bringing out something. I didnt mean collaboration as in someone makes characters that Im going to use in stories. No, this is all about you doing stories set in Pneumatica, with charcaters you created in that world. If you dont write, but create cool character concepts and want to share em with Pneumatica Writers, thats another thing entirely. We could allow it, but this is the thing: I dont want to give an excuse to the crazy people around that like to force you into doing things, like some people who ask for comissions. Thats what i want to evade. I dont want someone coming to you, or me, or Kurg, and going "I made this heroine, use it now!!!" Thats not the idea. But you can help me phrase the rule so we dont give the impression thats how its gonna work, as if we were doing comissions.

BY THE WAY, credit for naming Pneumatica goes 100% to Fukureru.

Kurg: Kurg, Im also pretty busy. Finals are monday, so after that, Im free for summer vacation. So I thought I should start riling inflationists now so we can turn this in a nice little summer project. I hope people make quite a few stories during the summer.

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airtankgirl5's picture

C'mon, is their really anyone out there that thinks I don't want to have a piece of this? Pneu City was practically made for me! In fact I think I'll make the Collegetown USA where my stories are set a suburb. WooHoo!

darth_clone19's picture

Really ATG? Do you like this that much that you'd blend both places like in a multiverse? It would be cool! lol

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darth_clone19 wrote:
caffiene: You can do Billow, with all her powers and everything. I just dont want Pneumatica to be like ATG's world, where everyone's power is related to inflation (which she pulls off magnificently). Sure, inflation related characters are welcome, I just want to make mention that making inflation related charcaters is not the norm. This relates to the inflation method being free (that can be a rule that would incorporate all i said to digdug: Free selection of Inflation method - we could start our own literary exapnsion movement lol!)

Yeah, I figured I could probably get away with it since she's an established character; but I think her backstory and current universe are a bit too serious. But really, having a pre-inflatable heroine in this just seems kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. I don't know, I'll think about it and see what I come up with.

But is there any kind of start date for this? Or any particular spot we should post the stuff? When does Pnuema City open it's gates?

And ooh, now Airtankgirl's in. I'll have to see if I can borrow Expandra for a story or two.

...I meant that sarcastically.


Sounds interesting, I'll sign up once I get some few things done. ^___^

Inflate123's picture

I think this is a neat idea. Let me get some personal things in order, but I'd like to contribute when I get the time.

airtankgirl5's picture

Caffeine, you can totally borrow Expandra as long as she gets at least a little bloated. Expandra was actually going to be my main character (yes, as a villain) from when I dressed as a magicienne for Halloween. The costume is too sexy not to inflate :).


Cheers darth.

I'm sketching as I write this. ^^

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Caffeine, you can totally borrow Expandra as long as she gets at least a little bloated. Expandra was actually going to be my main character (yes, as a villain) from when I dressed as a magicienne for Halloween. The costume is too sexy not to inflate :).

What, did you think I would leave her deflated? :roll: I don't know what I'll be doing with Billow yet but if Expandra's involved she's going to have to reach all new hights to match up.

...I meant that sarcastically.


Hey again,

I've drawn a rough of my first character Aymie and posted it over at deviantART.

Although it's coloured and looks quite final, I can assure you that I plan to develop her a lot more and give her a back story.

Here's a link:

darth_clone19's picture

I have no idea when Pneumatica City is gonna open the gates. I have finals on Monday, and since I planned this project so there could be something we could do for the community during the summer, I guess anyone who's mostly free from responsibility can start working on it. Right now, (not now literally. Now Im finishing college work I have due) Im working on the guidelines, so I think its ideal to wait for them to be final, but you guys can start work on stories now, and them jiggle em around for a bit when the guidelines are released. I want to discuss the guidelines with Fukureru, and anyone else interested in helping me can send me a PM here or on DA. The guidelines, no matter how they come out, I hope em to be a refined, and especific version of the preliminary goals I set down on my main post. So if you wanna help me, please do.

As for the place...I dont know. I guess DA is as good a place as any, but definitely the archives must get additions to its awesome library. :) I do want Pneumatica to be accessible, and to do that, whenever a story is gonna be posted, either me or Fukureru must be told about it. I dont want Pneumatica stories running rampant everywhere and us not knowing how many there actually are. This goes against the CEE Constitution of being a Collaborative Effort.

To give you an idea what Im doing with the guidelines, I tackle things like Freedom of Inflation Method, emphasizing that these are inflation stories with heroines, instead of heroine stories with casual inflation...stuff like that.

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Wow, this sounds pretty interesting. I'll probably help out with it. Draw a few characters, write a few stories. But for characters, I know I'm gonna have a sheepish male sidekick that accompanies a heroine with a forward personality. >__<

Anywho, can't wait to see what comes from this. ^_^

Darth: And about the limited male inflation, its understandable. One can say that I'm the only one here that enjoys a male balloon, which makes me one out of a hundred I'm guessing. I know that others don't like it, but I guessing that I'll provide that cup of tea for the one-out-of-hundred such as myself.


I like few specific male inflation, so you're not the only one. ^__^


OmioiKane: I think Male is ok- I think darth may be softening on it a bit!

mosherballoon's picture

ok i've hit my first brick wall. ok so i have designed 2 characters, a heroine and villian. however there is something i need help with...colouring. how do you guys colour your images? and also i dont have a scanner i got my pictures on computer by taking a picture of them with a digital camera. i'll try a few more times to get it right, but i cant see it happening


Omoikane, don't worry there are a few people that like male inflation around these parts... so long as it's some cute bishojou!

Mosherballoon, I would suggest colouring your images with the media you feel best using.
Whether it be coloured pencils, marker pens, paint, digital media or even just shading with pencil; do what feels comfortable.
Not having a scanner is always a pain in the backside... I don't think anybody will complain if you use a digital camera to 'digitize' your drawings and upload them though, you'd be amazed how often people do it. ^^

Inflate123's picture
darth_clone19 wrote:
I have no idea when Pneumatica City is gonna open the gates.

Don't give it a timeline. Let it be a fun hobby; if it turns into feeling like work, or a project that needs to be managed, it will never get done. A good creative idea will survive on any schedule!

Oh, and if anybody is in the market for a scanner, I cannot say enough nice things about this one. I think they have already discontinued it so you may be able to pick one up cheap. It works flawlessly on PC and Mac through Photoshop. A quality flatbed scanner is a good investment for any artist, but you can certainly fake it with a digital camera in the meantime with excellent results.

darth_clone19's picture

Thanks Inflate.

About Male inflation: I liked Fukureru's story, not just because fantasy inspired inflation is something I find cool, but because I like male when the emphasis of the thing is on a dominant, mischievous, and slightly cruel female inflator. Thats when I dont mind. But male on male inflation...I dont know. My neurons dont connect those two things together lol. Inflation is a thing for girls! I ask around a lot on chat rooms (discretely of course), and 90% of girls say they would inflate a female rival if they could, without thinking about it twice! Afterwards, they tell me to lay off the cartoons...hahaha!

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Thanks Darth, for the compliments. I really wasn't sure what people thought of Poor Vanal.


Hehe... okay, I guess I don't completely alone on liking male inflation. ^_^;

And I agree with Inflate123, let just have this a hobby. We all collect together our superhero stories as they come out, and we'll watch it grow.


Interesting. Sounds like you're already working out a FAQ for it all, which should really speed things along. Don't forget to touch a bit on the general levels of technology you'd like to see, as well as magic. Admittedly in a superhero world this can be all over the place, but it's always useful to have a bit of a baseline to work from for folks.

Yeah, I've been making superhuman world backgrounds for about 20 years now. We all have our skills....


So the story one writes has to follow the canon of the previous stories? Sounds a bit like people who write Cthulhu mythos stories. Anyway, I'm confident I could come up with a character and a story, but does it necessarily have to be a hero, or can it be a villain?


Breast_inflator44 wrote:
Sounds interesting, I'll sign up once I get some few things done. ^___^

The same for me.
BTW, is a black super heroine with an inflatable butt nice?

Best wishes.

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!


Hey again,

I've put in a request with LutherVKane for a gallery to stick my artwork and character designs into.
I just thought it would be good for the people not on deviantART to have easy access to characters I create for Pneumatica City, should they feel the need to us them of course. ^^;

I think I've met the quota for an artist gallery now, and I'm still going so stay tuned... ^^

darth_clone19's picture
Vertigo wrote:
So the story one writes has to follow the canon of the previous stories? Sounds a bit like people who write Cthulhu mythos stories. Anyway, I'm confident I could come up with a character and a story, but does it necessarily have to be a hero, or can it be a villain?

Your main character may be a heroine or villainess. they are both sexy for inflating,

And actually, its the contrary: there will be no canon whatsoever, just general guidelines. Im writing a sort of Constitution the will have these guidelines. Dont worry, you guys will be able to do any kind of inflation story you want, just in Pneumatica's superheroine world (well, not ANY inflation story. We'd like it to be primarily full body)

And blackgirlinflation: yes that character is fine, but something you should take care of. We are trying to keep this, on the most part, full body inflation, but partial inflation is accepted, as long as its not the only inflation in the story.

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darth_clone19 wrote:

And blackgirlinflation: yes that character is fine, but something you should take care of. We are trying to keep this, on the most part, full body inflation, but partial inflation is accepted, as long as its not the only inflation in the story.

Thanks. So I should add a full body inflation in the SAME story? Another char being fully inflated?

BTW, Darth, thanks a lot for the great idea. I am sure it will bring a new breath to the inflation world!!!!

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!

darth_clone19's picture

Thats right. Straight out of the Constitution of the City:

--While partial inflation (butt expansion, or breast expansion) are accepted, it shouldn’t be the only inflation in the whole story. We’d like Pneumatica to be a dominantly B2E world, but if you if at some point in the story you feel you need that only someone’s breasts grow, go ahead.---

By the way, 666 page views!! \m/

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Hey everyone! I hope you guys don't mind but I got a little antsy and posted the first Pneuma-related story up at my DA. (It's the newest one, "BOTB - Alt Timeline - PC Intro")

It's more just an intro for the character I'll be using, and you'll have to read my Battle Of The Bulge stories to get it, or at least 3A and 3B, as it starts as an alternate ending to that story[one you might like, Darth].

But I have the character arriving in Pneumatica City. And Darth - you mentioned wanting the city to have something unique about it? Well I think I came up with something. I was sitting here staring at this message board trying to think of something and I couldn't, but then I started writing the story and it just came to me. So let me know what you think about it and if it's not kosher let me know and I'll take it down/modify it as necessary.

...I meant that sarcastically.


Havent looked in for a few days.
Yeah,Omoikane,I like male inflation also.
Im into both sexes.
Im going to hang back and see what the lay of the land will be as the more creative folks start building.
I was still kinda slow trying to figure exactly what the "connective tissue" was going to be that encompasses everybody.
Its just The City itself OR ??.Everybody has a common landscape to work around in.
Is that it?
Sorry,to sound dumb,I just want to make sure Im on your "page".
I have some villain ideas.
Are ET/alien folk allowed in the city?

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture

Man, I have been resting this week, and I know I promised that it wouldnt take after sunday to do the guidelines. I have to get to it lol

digdug, what will unite the Pneumatica stories is the city itself, and the purpose for which we write in it: inflation lol

How are you going to use those aliens?

 -   Read my stories: 


Alrighty,got it.
After reading some of the talented writers(for instance:Midknight and WreckingBalloon series) around I feel like Id be quite lame in the story department.
In story making,my imagination is more centered in pregnancy and partial BodI,not so much strictly complete BodI.
Other folks write enough good BodI to suit me,that I dont think I have to really fabricate any myself.
I may contribute some art though.Does the majority of folks want art depicting the stories?That sounds interesting to me.
Hmmm..the aliens...well,I dont have any definite plan yet,I just thought if used the right way they may be an interesting addition.
Im wanting to veer away from stories like the ones on Ex.Man. about the aliens using women for breeding and they get popped.
Im attracted by that inflation only up to a certain point.I know they're only story people,but its still kinda cruel.
Oh yeah,sickstar has some good art on DA also.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

darth_clone19's picture
digdug-lee wrote:
Alrighty,got it.
After reading some of the talented writers(for instance:Midknight and WreckingBalloon series) around I feel like Id be quite lame in the story department.
In story making,my imagination is more centered in pregnancy and partial BodI,not so much strictly complete BodI.
Other folks write enough good BodI to suit me,that I dont think I have to really fabricate any myself.
I may contribute some art though.Does the majority of folks want art depicting the stories?That sounds interesting to me.
Hmmm..the aliens...well,I dont have any definite plan yet,I just thought if used the right way they may be an interesting addition.
Im wanting to veer away from stories like the ones on Ex.Man. about the aliens using women for breeding and they get popped.
Im attracted by that inflation only up to a certain point.I know they're only story people,but its still kinda cruel.
Oh yeah,sickstar has some good art on DA also.

If you wanna contribute drawings set in Pneumatica, you know the Constitution also applies there. And, Im sure there are people around that would like someone to do a drawing of their story. In DA I think you can put a pic along with your text, so some people may be into that. I have never seen your drawings though.

Remember, Pneumatica is mainly full body inflation. Partial only if there is full body ahead (which I think in a drawing would translate to having more than one expanded lady in the drawing)

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Well,if i actually have time to do it then I will put some drafts up of what I'm doing and run them by you all to see if they would be up to Pneu.City standards.
I get what you're looking for now.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

Inflate123's picture

I am thinking of taking a character I've already written about and "converting" her to be a PMC villainess. Basically I want her to move in and stay for good; she won't appear elsewhere again. Is that okay, or do you want fully original characters?

darth_clone19's picture

They dont need to be fully original. Look at caffiene: he sort of took the character he already had, and converted her (granted, with a different name) to the PMC universe. So yeah, you can do that.

I dont know which charcater of yours it is, but, as a long time fan of your stuff, I can hardly wait for anything you can contribute to this :)

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