Bringing another inflation website to the world

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Fairia's picture
Bringing another inflation website to the world

While discussing about how my Yahoo group hasn't been getting any action let alone hits, an IM friend and I were discussing about making our own.

We tossed around the idea of catering to a few fetish niches, like inflation, WG, height changes, furries (that's still way up in the air); she wanted to make the site like either a hospital or laboratory theme to it. We would include at the moment art work and stories, provided my be so far, and also have specific sub-category pages for each kind of fetish.

I have had experience with having a personal web pages "eons" :P ago, I have a book about web making tips and how to code the pages,but still iffy about how to get back into making a web page.

Yet, the issue I brought up was where we can host this site. We wanted it to be a R-rated theme, nothing too raunchy or explicit, but which sites allow web domains that are R-rated and with no cost to taking the domain?


I wish you luck. I know very little about it myself!


Ive been in the business of creating web sites and graphics for about 5 years now if ya want me to help. Even had my own business for it, no customers though >.<

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!


Hey,Fairia,what is your group's title on yahoo?
You probably said in some post before but I do not know it.

>Many A Quirk...and I don't mind.
>Oh My That's Big...Make It Bigger!

Inflate123's picture

Many of the free sites will not let you do anything remotely scandalous or intersting; you start the site and then, poof, one day they see it, and they delete it.

There may be some truly porn sites that would offer you free space, but you would have to run their hardcore ads, and that might not be worth the trouble.

FWIW, my informational home page at AOL has never been shut down, and that's about 12 or 13 years now. But I have very little space and very little traffic -- but I did run the HTML pages for the Vault from there, even if the data was stored elsewhere.

I think you're always going to run the risk of shutdown if you're doing it on free sites. But I like the motif you're working on.

Fairia's picture

to Goku: anyone that can help with getting the work in before I do (meaning in the time it takes to learn it all again) really is a great help.

to Inflate123: FWIW is with AOL as you said. Do they have a web address, or if there is a way to use that to an advantage?



A very cheap and good service: I already thought about creating a site with my morphs of black girls being inflated.
BTW, there is no need to code, you can use some easy softwares.

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!

Fairia's picture

Does the site also have English pages?


Sorry, but I guess not.

That nice black girl was really getting big. I pressed the footpump once more and she just popped!!!