Spherical Bodyinflation Stories

Does anyone have links to stories like these?

darth_clone19's picture

These are the most abundant so, I dont know why you havent found them.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


Well in comparsion to the "be" ones, they're not as abundant.

Just wanted a list.

LutherVKane's picture

Depends on where you look. Around here, they're pretty common. In the story archive, most of the stories labeled type "bi" involve spherical inflation, or something close to it. Is there anything in particular you're looking for besides sphericality?


I actually got confused on this for a good while...I thought all the stories on the site were listed right on the front page of the Archive, but clicking "Browse" yields many more.

At least, I guess that's the problem...but there are still a ton of BI stories on that page anyway.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/