Rp Ot Story

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Rp Ot Story


darth_clone19's picture

Doesnt sound that bad. The only story I read featuring children inflating (thank god its the only one in my opinion), its an old one, about people using some substance that flattened people, or made em boneless, then inflated them....what was the name?

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

SvenS's picture

Wrong - it DOES sound bad - VERY DISTURBINGLY BAD. That evil crap does not belong here, or anywhere else for that matter. It's interesting that the first thing you do after registering is to cruise for this stuff - are you recruiting, or something? If I had my way, you would be banned and much, much worse.

If you find yourself fantasizing about this kind of thing, then you have serious mental problems - seriously, go seek professional help before you act on it.

And let me address the community here: This needs to be forcefully stamped out NOW. This is not what we are about. This site is for consenting adults about consenting adults. If you are underage, hang up and go away until you *are* an adult. Everyone - please - have the courage to post here and denounce this. The community cannot be associated with this.


Sven...shush. Its an awesome idea, i dun care what the age, i always remake them in my mind anyway. Hell I read furries and in my head they arent furries. Say this: how bout we make em at least 18 and then its an awesome story! People who like child stuff are no different than any other fetish. Go to Africa or something look at their rituals for becoming a man and then complain. Im kinda sick of people flipping out about people who like child porn. Who cares? Go do something more productive, go help stop drug abuse or family violence. Let the person like what they like, less you feel like being persecuted for your desires.

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!

SvenS's picture


Auriga's picture

SvenS +1.

LutherVKane's picture

First, Gokuson, unless and until someone makes you a forum admin, it's not your place to be giving out orders around here.

Second, no, it's not an awesome idea. People are free to enjoy whatever it is that they please, but SvenS is correct: this is a site by and for consenting adults. I have no intention of hosting stories bout the kidnap, torture, and/or humiliation of children. If you feel strongly about it, then you can start your own site and set your own rules.

Third, I'm noticing a disturbing decline in the level of civility in the forum. If I have to ban people en masse to correct this, I will. Keep it clean people, this is the final warning.

Fourth, anyone wishing to tackle this subject would do well to read this thread on children in inflation stories first. We've been through all of this before.


I dunno about you guys, but I'm from America, and our men are dying so we have freedom of speech. And as Mencia said, lets use it. Otherwise their efforts are in vain. I feel very uneasy about how people feel they can be so harsh to another for the same reasons they felt offended. What if someone felt inflation was pure evil? I see many people around where I live that call gay men "abominations" and "the end of humanity" and while I get enraged by that, it is their opinion. And I respect their opinion. The difference between maturity and being a child is being able to accept someone else's opinions and views. So I'm leaving this place now, because I am not going to be in an area where others can demean someone to such a degree whilst the site administrator has nothing better to do than yell at someone who was saying "chill, don't yell at him help make it better" and distorts my words so. Please delete my account, and Goodbye.

Come chat with me on IM!!! Keep me from getting lonely!

doubleintegral's picture
People who like child stuff are no different than any other fetish.

This is patently false, for reasons too obvious to explain. If you really think that, I would seriously recommend some professional help.

gokuson123 wrote:
I dunno about you guys, but I'm from America, and our men are dying so we have freedom of speech.

Oh, for God's sake. Your rights are not being infringed upon unless the GOVERNMENT is infringing upon them. I doubt BodyInflation.org is run by the feds (although we're all in for a world of shit if it is).

I feel very uneasy about how people feel they can be so harsh to another for the same reasons they felt offended.

They're using their freedom of speech too.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand... why not college coeds instead of children?

gokuson123 wrote:
I dunno about you guys, but I'm from America, and our men are dying so we have freedom of speech.

So am I, and I hate to break it to you: but our men are dying to fulfill a vendetta while our freedom of speech rights get trampled on in the name of "patriotism". But that's not for here.

While there's nothing in Evolution's post that makes it seem overtly pedophile-esque; I would agree that bumping up the ages of the people being captured is where this should be going.

And I've heard the comparison between gays and pedophiles before; and the whole "you can't help what you like" and that we shouldn't throw stones because we're not exactly "normal" or whatever,

but homosexuals and and inflation fetishists and even people who like to get peed on are all consenting adults. Kids can't consent, they don't understand it and their bodies are physically incapable. So if you like that kind of stuff, it's your responsibility to shut the fuck up and bury that shit deep down inside.

Serial killers and people who dig snuff films are "just born that way" too, it doesn't mean they have the right to do it; and it certainly doesn't mean they earn comparisons with gay people and fetishists.

Just because things are similar doesn't mean they're equal, at certain points lines have to be drawn. Children are most certainly one of those points.

...I meant that sarcastically.

gokuson123 wrote:
I dunno about you guys, but I'm from America, and our men are dying so we have freedom of speech. And as Mencia said, lets use it. Otherwise their efforts are in vain. I feel very uneasy about how people feel they can be so harsh to another for the same reasons they felt offended. What if someone felt inflation was pure evil? I see many people around where I live that call gay men "abominations" and "the end of humanity" and while I get enraged by that, it is their opinion. And I respect their opinion. The difference between maturity and being a child is being able to accept someone else's opinions and views. So I'm leaving this place now, because I am not going to be in an area where others can demean someone to such a degree whilst the site administrator has nothing better to do than yell at someone who was saying "chill, don't yell at him help make it better" and distorts my words so. Please delete my account, and Goodbye.

Hang on... Am I getting this right? American troops are in Iraq defending the world's right to practice, or conspire to practice disturbing acts against children? Surely them being in Iraq has far more to do with attacking Iraq than defending America, but that's another debate.

And anyway... this isn't America, this is the internet... or a small portion of it over which Luther holds dominion. So I agree that what he says goes.

Remember, should this site become connected with peadophilia and the FBI/Sweeney/Interpol investigate it as part of infiltration of a child porn ring then it's Luther that get's the dawn raid. And the rest of us have our fetish demonised as a result.

So what I'm saying is that while we are a tolerant community (we have to be bearing in mind the treatment we get from others) there has to be a line drawn somewhere.


This discussion should not even be taking place. There's no doubt in my mind that stories of a sexual nature involving children are inherently wrong. "Freedom of speech" does not cover this. It covers speaking for or against your government. It covers saying what you want to, good or bad, about people of other races, faiths, and orientation. It does not cover yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, threatening someone with death, or openly discussing minors placed in sexual situations.

Besides that, there's the matter of being able to use common sense and not trying to defend stories regarding the abuse of children.

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/


Shortest Argument ever. LVKane says no. Its his sight- Bam - not cool for here.

End of discussion, frankly.

darth_clone19's picture

I want to apologize if me agreeing somewhat to the original poster started this little word war. In my mind, I didnt see it as that farfetched an idea. Just something interesting. I mean, torturing, humiliate children...folk stories have been doing that for a long time, so I thought about it with that in mind. Just thought it was interesting, not that I have some kid fetish. Ew.

I do think no matter how much we evolve and accept human sexuality as a very strange and unpredictable thing, yes, child porn will never be accepted cuz it goes against moral values, and values we've adopted concerning empirical evidence of what being exposed to sex too early causes.

Of course, Im not going to tribes that practice child sex and hate on them. They have their believes.

I have no idea why ive heard this here for the first time, about the government and freedom of speech. Thanks for being a voice of reason guys. Only if the government is imposing themselves on your rights can you bitch about freedom of speech.

And nobody is dying for freedom of speech. And neither is freedom of speech a target for anybody. Thats all a war-loving illusion to make you believe in the horrible desicions the government makes.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

gokuson123 wrote:
I dunno about you guys, but I'm from America, and our men are dying so we have freedom of speech. And as Mencia said, lets use it.

Freedom of speech does not exist on the Internet.

Sorry, try again.


Iraqis love to take away freedom of speech from other countries. I can see them plotting right now. Thank god for the military/industrial complex.
Or am I thinking of Cobra Commander?

I don't post here a lot and so I try to avoid controversial discussions, but I thought like Darth Clone that this was a matter of a non-sexual story in the vein of traditional fairy tales.
Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was all about the humiliation and punishment of children.
But, since this is a web-site where talk of sexual fetishes occurs, I agree that it's a good idea to avoid stories involving children.

I think the ideas given here are good.
There's no reason the plot can't be used with college students. College slasher movies are all the rage today.
It would make a more enjoyable story for a wider number of people.
Make sure to enforce puritan sexual mores though! heh


Ok, people, while popping vs non-popping is debatable and qualifies as "snuff"(it doesn't, IMO), having minors in a story is wrong. Sorry, but we make stories about adults making choices (good and bad alike) regarding inflation. If children stories start surfacing here, then, sorry, even without popping, I AM OUT OF HERE.

The last thing I need is someone taking a story and posting it to the real world or worse, hacking the website so s/he can find out who we are and post the names of the would-be evildoers.

In other words, a Very Bad Idea. This is NOT debatable at all, period. If feelings have been hurt, my apologies, but it should not even have come up.

darth_clone19's picture

Ok, calm down, nobody has said we are going to start making stories with kids, so lets chill. Nobody here is even considering it. Well, the OP is.

Besides, if there were stories like that here....how does everyone outside find out all of a sudden?

It doesnt qualify as child porn, but like i said, there is a story here where briefly, you are shown a carnival where there are children inflated and won as prizes.

Nothing against that story by the way, which was very interesting and weird, and I always wanted to know more about it cuz its written by two people Ive never heard about.

I was just saying that it exists here, and in no way the story implies a context of child porn.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I guess the thing is, there are people in the community who are interested in inflation as a quirky little hook, but have no sexual interest in it. Maybe to them there is nothing pornographic about an inflation story, and therefore nothing paedophiliac about a story where children inflate.

Inflate123's picture

Free speech in America? Sure. But America is not the internet. Instead, think about the right to filter content as the owner sees fit.

I did it on the video vault when I ran it; I was selective about what I wanted to put up there because, well, it was my site, dammit. We're all guests at LV's house. If you would like to do something that he isn't comfortable hosting, hey, you can set up your own house.

I have seen one or two kiddie stories and they always make me feel uncomfortable, not excited. Even when they seem to be written with good intentions, they wind up crossing a line with the audience. You can never dictate how your audience will take your work, but if you think about your audience, you can often predict it.

WakkaFan's picture

*Insert Freedom of Speech stuff everybody has already mentioned*

Anyway, while the use of children is very much a bad idea I think the other ideas suggested would work with a more "legal age" target.

So I would suggest if we're going to discuss this anymore we should focus on the other ideas presented in the OP because I think we've said all that needs to be said about the child stuff.

http://wakkafan.deviantart.com/ Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".


Hey... I just thought of something.

This guy hasn't posted or come back since the beginning of the thread, has he?

Assuming he hasn't been banned... do you think he was possibly just some kind of mole sent by anti-inflationists or something to try and get the site shut down by the government for involving this with kids?

...Maybe I'm just looking into this too much and need my head checked. I dunno, is the guy banned?


He might have just decided this wasn't the place for him, considering most of the sight condemmed the idea.

Somedude wrote:
...do you think he was possibly just some kind of mole sent by anti-inflationists or something to try and get the site shut down by the government for involving this with kids?

You've been reading waaaaaaaaay too much Tom Clancy. :P

DeviantART!: http://baphometdisciple.deviantart.com/


"I dunno about you guys, but I'm from America, and our men are dying so we have freedom of speech."

Sorry, but Im pulling out my soap box on this one. I was in the US Army moron...and I was over in Iraq for over a year straight. (My unit got the shaft twice on being sent back state side) WE were not dying over there for anyones freedom, or justice, or for do-gooding of any kind. We were over there for one thing: that stuff you put in your gas tank each time you swing by 7-11 or a Shell station. PERIOD So get your head out of the clouds and stop listening to the men on the hill and CNN...this whole fight was never about "freeing" anyone, Sadam was just a threat to our oil supply.

Just to keep this reply a bit on topic; Im not very comfortable myself with children in inflation stories. This is a fetish, and is therefor considered "sexually explicit" by the world at large people, hate to break it to you. My girlfriend recently made her first attempt at writing an inflation story, and she is used to writing stories about/for kids. So the inflatee in this story ended up being pretty young, no age was stated but it was obvious for the start that she was quite under age for being in any kind of adult related story. Whether it contained sex of any kind or not. Anyways, thats all Ive got to say about that.



"I dunno about you guys, but I'm from America, and our men are dying so we have freedom of speech."

Sorry, but Im pulling out my soap box on this one. I was in the US Army moron...and I was over in Iraq for over a year straight. (My unit got the shaft twice on being sent back state side) WE were not dying over there for anyones freedom, or justice, or for do-gooding of any kind. We were over there for one thing: that stuff you put in your gas tank each time you swing by 7-11 or a Shell station. PERIOD So get your head out of the clouds and stop listening to the men on the hill and CNN...this whole fight was never about "freeing" anyone, Sadam was just a threat to our oil supply.

Just to keep this reply a bit on topic; Im not very comfortable myself with children in inflation stories. This is a fetish, and is therefor considered "sexually explicit" by the world at large people, hate to break it to you. My girlfriend recently made her first attempt at writing an inflation story, and she is used to writing stories about/for kids. So the inflatee in this story ended up being pretty young, no age was stated but it was obvious for the start that she was quite under age for being in any kind of adult related story. Whether it contained sex of any kind or not. Anyways, thats all Ive got to say about that.
