Minimum Wage series: comments and criticism

Part 2 is up in the story archive, and now that I've had a couple chances to work out my writing style, I'd like to hear what people think of my stories as I post them. Please post what you liked, what you didn't like, what you think could be done differently, and any ideas you might have for future stories (I'll credit you if I use your idea).

Keep in mind, I'm going to be trying different things over the course of this series, and not everything is going to be to everyone's taste. Don't bother posting that a story just didn't do anything for you or disgusted you, as that's not very constructive criticism. If you have an idea how the story could be done BETTER, then by all means please let me know :)

darth_clone19's picture

I found it brilliant. A little bit too descriptive at the beginning, but the tension before the inflation came in nicely. The fingers getting pressed against her expanding body and her pants was great, and how her arms jeteed outwards after she couldnt keep them in her pants lol

The inflation was great, and you used cool devices to show and not tell, although, there were parts I dindt understand, like why was she slightly propelled upwards after the compressor was shut off.

The thing with MR Ludlow...though it was VERY suggestive, it was funny lol! But I didnt understand the ending and her changing history and the i right to asume though, that she ended up pregnant?

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RenegadeKamui's picture
darth_clone19 wrote:

Glad you liked it.

I know I got carried away with the introduction, but I wanted to provide some sort of context beyond "Oh, there's this girl who's a maid for these rich people, and one day an air hose falls down the back of her pants and she can't get it out, and she ends up cracking the whole house open". I was thinking about how the owners would react, and what if the husband was delighted instead of angry, and from that I got the idea of a sexually repressed Senator and his frigid wife. I guess I went overboard with Karen's life story, but again, I wanted to get a feel for who she was, why she was working for these people, and why this job was important to her.

Karen was launched when her leather pants ripped open; they were restraining the inflation somewhat, and when her ass and thighs jolted upward, their inertia carried the rest of her body along with them. I guess I could have been clearer about that. It's a little contrived, I know, but I had to set up phase 2 of the inflation, and I thought this was more dramatic than just having her guess the wrong button.

The bit about the curse is supposed to be left to the imagination. I have a few ideas for the form the curse takes floating around, so I *might* come back to it someday.


I would like to see more please 

darth_clone19's picture

Oh sure, you proof that a decent background for an inflatee can do wonders in hour zero when she inflates. Ive only seen Kane and Inflate123 do it so effectively. And now you :) I just thought a couple times that it was maybe, maybe, just one paragraph too long.

It felt contrived to me cuz I suck at physics and I didnt understand what was happening lol

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I rather liked them both a lot--if anything, the 2nd better than the first--though the vaginal thing was a bit much for me. Otherwise a good set of stories.

RenegadeKamui's picture

Part 3 has been submitted and should be up once LK clears out the 44 articles ahead of it. Yes, I know, butt inflation AGAIN, but this is the last time for a while. The situation was loosely inspired by the movie "Adventures in Babysitting", if you're curious. Everyone let me know what you think.

RenegadeKamui's picture

Bad news, guys. Luther didn't think my latest story was appropriate to post in the archives. I personally believe his objections are unwarranted (and inconsistent with other stories he has posted), but I respect his decision. I've posted the story (and the previous two) to the "ballooninflation" Yahoo group, filed under "Files > Guest Contributors > mw3cb.txt, and LK gave me permission to post this fact here. If you have trouble joining (I think membership has to be approved, although more new members seem to be added every week), PM me and I'll send you back the story. I'd still like to hear your opinions on it here. I'm still working on part 4, and I'll have another story -- part of a new series -- submitted in a week or so.

Auriga's picture

I'd like to read it :) and joining is realy a problem.

RenegadeKamui's picture
Auriga wrote:
I'd like to read it :) and joining is realy a problem.

Well, Yahoo accounts are free, and the group seems to be accepting new members every day. If you really can't join, I'll PM the story to you.

darth_clone19's picture

I got to tell you, I didnt like it too much. While in the other two stories there was a perfect fit between the actual inflation and all the problem solving technicalities you do (which you do great by the way. You write good problem solving scenes), in this was, there was too much of the later, not enough of the former. I just didnt have any window into her bloating, mostly because her problem seemed to be floating away rather than her inflation. I just found it a bit strange for an inflation story. But thats just me.

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RenegadeKamui's picture
darth_clone19 wrote:
I got to tell you, I didnt like it too much. While in the other two stories there was a perfect fit between the actual inflation and all the problem solving technicalities you do (which you do great by the way. You write good problem solving scenes), in this was, there was too much of the later, not enough of the former. I just didnt have any window into her bloating, mostly because her problem seemed to be floating away rather than her inflation. I just found it a bit strange for an inflation story. But thats just me.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. Personally, I was a floating fan before I was an inflation fan. I know a lot of people here discovered inflation when they saw the blueberry scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, but for me it was the Inspector Gadget episode where the MAD agent's angel costume was inflated by a helium tank, and she almost floated away before the Gadg rescued her. I only got into the inflation community because there doesn't seem to be any "floating" fetish work not involving body inflation. I found that I enjoy BI of both the airborne and earthbound varieties very much, but I still have a special fondness for suit inflation and helium.

Hence, I wrote a story more about floating than bloating, to indulge my personal tastes. I understand that it doesn't sync perfectly with what this site is about, and I have more traditional situations planned for the rest of the series.

darth_clone19's picture

Oh I see. No problem then, it just wasnt what i was expecting, thats all.

I personally never saw Willy Wonka. I found out it had inflation after finding this community, and even then its not really great. i mean, its a girl, she gets like a ball...I dont know what people see in it frankly.

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RenegadeKamui's picture

New story is up, not a part of the MW series, but I felt like spacing them out a bit. It's inspired by SvenS's eureka.jpg, if that isn't obvious.

This started as a standard third person story, but it turned out so bland and boring that I almost trashed it. I came back to it a while later, and imagined it as a first-person narrative, as though Jane was making an audio log of the experiment. To me at least, this made all the difference in the world, since it let me insert Jane's thoughts into the story without repetitive "she thought" statements.

The story was basically finished before I posted MW3. After darthclone's criticism of the lack of expansion-related narrative in that one, I added a bit more emphasis of Jane's expanding figure, but it was important to the plot that Jane remain mobile, so I couldn't add too much. Rest assured that Minimum Wage IV will be mega-volume inflation-centric.

RenegadeKamui's picture

Part 4 is up. Clothing inflation is one of my favorite types, so I'm not sure why it took so long for me to get around to it. As you may guess, the story is heavily inspired by funkyobrian's work, but the idea of shoes as ballast was shamelessly ripped off of "Conspiracy: Peer Pressure", one of my favorite recent stories. Enjoy.

RenegadeKamui's picture

Part 5 is up now. I figured it was about time I tackled male inflation. Heavy inspiration came from Carnatic's "The Power Lunch".

I've been planning the Teen Titans story for months, but I ended up banging it out over a single two hour session. I'm recovering from a cold right now, so if parts of the story seem "off", that's probably why.

RenegadeKamui's picture

I bet you thought I'd given up writing, didn't you? A sequel to Race Queen is in the story archives now. Once again, let me know what you liked and what you didn't.

darth_clone19's picture

I gotta tell you, thats one of the best floating away endings Ive ever read.

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dragon_6860's picture

Hehee, very nice! I like the ending, and the return of Mai. That's the second time she's floated away over the ocean! hopefully she'll come back down soon :-D

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

RenegadeKamui's picture
dragon_6860 wrote:
Hehee, very nice! I like the ending, and the return of Mai. That's the second time she's floated away over the ocean! hopefully she'll come back down soon :-D

Well, she's full of hot air, not helium, so she'll cool off and come back to Earth in a few hours. And she's floating east, not west. I didn't mean to send the poor girl all the way back to Japan! :lol: And I'm planning to feature her, and all the other inflated girls, in the last story in the series.

RenegadeKamui's picture

The newest chapter is finally up (it was actually posted almost a month ago, but wasn't approved until now). If you're wondering why I'm posting part 3 after part 4, it's because LVK didn't approve of the content of the original version, so I set it aside until I thought of a plot for the revised version. If you're interested, you can see the original version here.

As for why it took so long, basically it was a severe case of writer's block. If you've read my other stories, you know I have a preference for non-consensual inflation involving "active" inflatees, who are free to fight their predicaments but either fail or make the situation worse. But this time I really went overboard with the contrivances, so the story read like a Rube Goldberg machine set to the Benny Hill theme. It was really hard for me to decide what to leave in and what to cut, but I eventually got it down to a manageable state.

While we're on the subject, do you guys enjoy that aspect of my stories? It occurs to me that the overabundance of plot could be interfering with the enjoyment of the inflation itself. I could try to write simpler, more traditional stories, if they would be better received.


Speaking as a casual reader on this site, I like that your minimum wage stories have a greater emphasis on the plot than most. The plotting and the characterization, make the inflation scenes much more fulfilling to read, as you get a really good feel as to what led them up to the inflation incident. Also it prevents your stories from being far too Mary Sue'd in the process.

As such, you don't need to tamper with the formula.

Keep up the good work.


RenegadeKamui's picture

Part 7 is up. If you're wondering why part 7 when part 6 isn't out yet, that's because it's up for a complete rewrite, and I'm sort of attached to the story order I planned out. This is possibly the longest story I've written yet, but I think you'll enjoy it, if you can stay awake through the whole thing.

I had three goals in mind for this story. The first was to develop a sense of suspense throughout the story, hence the protracted length, and the very gradual method of expansion. The second was to introduce a second party to the inflation, something I haven't really done since my very first story. It was tricky for me, since I'm not really into the "deliberate inflator / unwilling inflatee" sort of plot, and I had difficulty coming up with a plausible reason for the other character not to be concerned for and give aid to the first. The last was to add flatulence as a plot element. I'm no fan of scatological stuff, and in MW5 it really didn't work out as I planned, but all the same, it can add an interesting conflict to the story. On the one hand, it's embarrasing, but what if it's the only thing keeping you from popping?

As always, let me know what you think and any suggestions for improvement. Thanks.


For a story that had no popping, it really rocked!! Here's to many more!!

RenegadeKamui's picture
hfilled wrote:
For a story that had no popping, it really rocked!! Here's to many more!!

Thanks for the compliment 8) As to the lack of popping, that's because I'm planning to cap off the series with a "grand finale" featuring all the inflatees thus far. Can't go bursting my characters before I'm done with them :wink:

Inflate123's picture

I will admit that, while I have no problem with them, many of the MW stories didn't keep me all that interested. It's just a matter of personal preference. But VII, Night Watchman? I liked the word choice and the pacing very much.

I also liked the fact that there was no popping. But like I said...personal preference, and no reflection on your ability to create a scene and tell a tale. :)

RenegadeKamui's picture
Inflate123 wrote:
I will admit that, while I have no problem with them, many of the MW stories didn't keep me all that interested. It's just a matter of personal preference. But VII, Night Watchman? I liked the word choice and the pacing very much.

I also liked the fact that there was no popping. But like I said...personal preference, and no reflection on your ability to create a scene and tell a tale. :)

I'm glad this one was to your liking.

Is there anything in particular about my stories that doesn't interest you, such as my writing style? I know my prose tends to be flatly descriptive, it's just the way it comes together in my head. I've actually considered commissioning someone like HeliumGirl77 to rewrite my stories, but that might be a little weird. I'm not sure if there's a precedent for commissioning a story from a plot.

Inflate123's picture

You should never have someone else rewrite your stuff; let it be your statement.

In my archive I have 4.1, 7, and whatever Carnival Clown was. So I don't know what the other ones were, but I guess I liked more of this series than I remembered!