Weird swelling substances

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Weird swelling substances

You remember that expanding gel stuff? Well, i thought the trouble with it was that somehow, you'd still have to get all the water in, so in practical terms it isn't really any different than just inflating someone with water.

Anyway, i'm going to have a go at explaining another idea i've had.

This is a video of something called a Hoberman Sphere:

Suppose there was a way of making either nanomachines which were that shape or molecules joined together, and they were made into some kind of fluid or mixture. The particles making the substance up are like these spheres, but each one is latched together in the centre which is dissolved by stomach acid or has a shape which changes when it's heated to body temperature. When opened up, the spheres are around three times wider than when they're closed, i.e. 27 times bigger in volume. Suppose also that there's a way of making them push each other apart by magnetic or electrostatic repulsion. Alternatively, they could be nanomachines which start small, then, when they receive a signal, spring out to three times their original size. Then you could get someone to drink some of them, say enough to fill their digestive organs, then wait for them all to reach body temperature or send a signal to them with a remote control, then they all suddenly expand, and you just sit back and watch.

Just a thought. It sounds to me like it could be made to work.

Oh yes, i did have another idea. There's a metal, palladium, which can absorb fifty times its volume of hydrogen gas. If there was a similar substance which then released it all at body temperature or at the acidity of the stomach, one gallon of it (i.e. the capacity of the stomach) would then become fifty gallons. That's a hell of a lot of gas. Then again, the Hoberman sphere molecules could contain gas as well, which could escape when they expanded...



Wow! That sounds cool - I love the science behind inflation! I always kind of wanted my fantasy to become reality.

Palladium sounds interesting too. Of course, that kind of stuff could cause serious damage to the inflatee (maby even bursting?). But the danger could all be part of the fun!!

Inflation is love!


Thanks, MissBalloon. It's just a theory at the moment. Concerning palladium, i don't know if it's non-toxic, and since it's a platinum metal it would be very expensive.



lol if you're blowing up with Hydrogen you may want to keep away from any naked flames ;)


Not trying to bash, but that's all just sci-cfi. Would require some slight changes in physics or a couple hundred years of technological achievements =) However hydro-gel, which I think is what you are talking about, is being used for this. You might have found out about it but it comes in a ball that expands in your belly to make you feel full to stop eating. Just intake a larger dose, hoping you don't cause intestinal blockages of course.

I'm a guy. Stop messaging me thinking I'm a girl. If I was, I doubt I would even talk to you anyway.


read my reply to this


Suggestions like that are why I end up avoiding 'real' inflation like the plague at times. =___=