BE in American Dad

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BE in American Dad

There was a short but nice BE scene in tonights episode of American Dad. It also included nice sound effects of air!!!

SvenS's picture

Saw it and, yes - it was very nice. The whole episode was pretty good. I always wonder: is this just an obvious/common sight gag that was employed or is it evidence of a kindred spirit somewhere on the writing or production staff? I found it interesting that all three BE devices that "S" (hiss?) created bore an uncanny resemblance to things that have made appearances here in the community at various times.


I saw it also and I thought the whole episode was funny. It was funny how the alien kept on complaining about the contracter

darth_clone19's picture

Always thinking up there Sven! ^^

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RenegadeKamui's picture

Would someone mind posting YouTube or Google Video links? I don't watch the show.


Between all expansion related themes in Family Guy and American Dad, it's fun to think there's somebody out there looking out on our behalf. Come to think of it, that episode where Peter drove Lois to gain weight would've made an interesting story on paper.
