red inflation suits in tv serie

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red inflation suits in tv serie

Hi, when I was a child, I saw something on the tv...but I can't remember from which tv serie it was. Does anyone now?

This is what I remember:

There was a professor and some childs or other characters. I only remembered there was a girl with them. They were traveling to some place and stopped by some hills. (very cartoonish hills) But walking over those hills was dangerous so, the professor gave each person a red inflation suit! On the red inflation suit was a rotating button. They rotated it to the right and then... the suits inflated! Now they were save to travel over the hills. They bounced and it was very fun. They laughed, giggled and were happy.

I really want tot see it back! It was so..happy. It was on the dutch televion so maybe nobody here saw it :cry:


What year was it?


I don't know, somewere between 1992 and 1996

flationable's picture

The only thing that comes up when I hear 'professor' and 'Dutch cartoon' is Dommel, but I checked once for it already and I definitly can't remember an episode with the scene you just described. Can you describe the cartoon itself further?


I only can remember that scene. Don't know if the serie itself was dutch...
I've checked Rupert also, but couldn't find an inflation scene.
Sorry to make it difficult. I was very young :P

LittlePumpkin wrote:
I only can remember that scene. Don't know if the serie itself was dutch...
I've checked Rupert also, but couldn't find an inflation scene.
Sorry to make it difficult. I was very young P

Wow, that sounds awesome.

Bump, hopefully somebody else remembers it. :O


Reminds me of Dexter's Lab when DeeDee had that flying suit that made her look like a ball and float around, not very erotic but silly

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud
sharkdude wrote:
Reminds me of Dexter's Lab when DeeDee had that flying suit that made her look like a ball and float around, not very erotic but silly

Damn. Beaten. Thats what first came to mind when I read the OP's post.


*sigh* I would love to see the scene what started my fetish again. :)


sounds cute and bouncy but not familiar to me unfortunately =S


If it does end up being Dommel perhaps this could help:

If we have any users who can speak the language-he just uploaded a Dommel ep an hour ago-making me assume he has some kind of source of episodes...

TraineeInflator's picture

I Want one of those suits lol. yh it does seem similar to the Dexter's LAb with Deedee in that suit, it's not a common one to me.
i just wanted to say i wanted one =D

The 6"5 Beachball, Helium balloon, heck whatever is here!