Sorry I have not commented on this until now. The story was very effective for me. I agree with Carnatic -- the variety of body parts and the intensity of the inflation and subsequent inflation torture methods win the day. I also like the several phrases that overstate the obvious -- the "she's getting so big" and "stop that, you're going to pop me, get away" -- all very effective.
The action is very broad and almost melodramatic. The tone of the story seemed so direct that it was almost vulgar -- but do not take either of those as a negative, because sometimes I really like a down 'n dirty story. The characters are intentionally spiteful and cruel and I think the rough, slightly nasty tone of the action fits that. I often like revenge stories even if they make me feel somewhat guilty to read them!
I am not a fan of popping stories myself, but in my case, I could just neglect to read the last few lines of resolution. Also, since stories can always use a final polish before release, there were some punctuation problems here and there that were mild distractions, but those could be edited out with a proofread or two. Just remember next time -- have someone read it before you release it (I'm usually available, just email me) and those things can be amended before release. No harm in askin' for help.
awesome story, I love the way the inflation just keeps going and going. and I also appreciate the variety of different body parts which are inflated.