
I've been having a running conversation lately about what is probably my favorite inflation plot device, namely, sympathetic inflation. That's where an object like a balloon is inflated, causing someone to inflate in the same way. Good examples of this device can be found in The Brush, Katrina's Balloons, and Doppelganger. I'm trying to figure out why I like this device so much and the only thing I can think of is that it is a fantasy that can be partially realized - you can actually go and inflate a balloon. From there, I suppose that the proximity of the real, visceral experience and the pure fantasy is the closest thus, the appeal.


dragon_6860's picture

*gasp* One of my stories is mentioned! Thanks Sven!

As for the topic, I like the "voodoo" style inflation, as it has potential for unwanted inflation, or out of control inflation. What would happen if your balloon got mixed up with another huge batch? There's also the slightly control aspect, which can be fun sometimes :)

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

RenegadeKamui's picture

As I posted in your other thread, by completely separating the means of inflation from yourself, you add another layer of risk. Most popping incidents in stories occur from rigid or spherical overinflation, where the victim is too inflated to move to shut off the helium tank or remove the hose from herself. With sympathetic inflation, if you float up to the ceiling, even if you can move perfectly well, you're still screwed. You can still try to get back down, though, which makes for a more interesting story than just waiting to pop.

Sympathetic inflation also raises the specter of permanence. What if the balloon reaches its limits before you do? Or you tie off the balloon and it floats out a window (ignoring that in the real world it would pop as the pressure dropped)?

AlecDeluxe's picture

The "voodoo balloon" approach has always been my favourite, but I always suspected it had to do with the fact that it combines my BI fetish with my balloon fetish. I love Dragon's suggestion about the balloon getting mixed in with other balloons.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

darth_clone19's picture

I like the voodoo balloon. Not my favorite, but it definitely has the element of loss of control. You get to thinking "what would happen if it is plugged on an air tank?" Poor, poor inflating woman.

 -   Read my stories: 


What about a voodoo condom?
One end of the sympathetic link is the condom the poor man is wearing, the other end a normal-seeming balloon.

A news reporter gets to be a guest clown balloon seller at the circus, fair, or carnival. He's not sure why he has to wear a condom under his costume, or what the deal is with this 'last ditch balloon' he's supposed to save until he's all out of the rest and somebody still wants one.

Put it on the helium tank, open the valve, and the balloon barely bulges... while the clown balloon man's private parts are suddenly erect as a strong wind (of helium gas) pours into him. The balloon grows so slowly, because it's the man getting most of the helium. If he obeyed his instructions, the reporter will be fine since there won't be enough gas left in his tank to make him burst, leaving him a big, silly-looking balloon but safely intact. But if he didn't follow instructions and blew it up early... well, his final report will probably be his biggest. Especially if it happens on a live news broadcast.

Auriga's picture

Common human flesh isn't very good for inflation. Thats a problem. So featuring inflation with 'physiological details'... Well that makes me sick. As well as feeding does et.c.
However, might there be a race of sentient creatures with inflatable human-like bodies? No problem here, me thinks.
Sympathetic inflation? Yes probably, that is another form of above formula. A human body has properties of an inflatable object. Via some magic bold between them, or so. So that's nice to.


As Alec mentioned, this gives a writer the opportunity to involve other interests. In my case, I use balloons and blow up dolls as a means to inflate my characters in about half my BI stories. I hadn't noticed this trend till Sven pointed it out.