Inflation types

So, I'm a big fan of inflation stories (mostly inflation->floating) and from what I've seen, there are 6 main types of inflation stories. Here they are, in no particular order. Maybe this will spark someone to write their own inflation story, as I think there needs to be more out there . . . MORE I say!

1)Not inflation: The "Most realistic" of the stories, the person does NOT actually inflate, but instead they are in a suit or, sometimes, inflatable implants.

2)Altered Physics: The physics of the world simply allow for inflation. Just stick a helium hose in someone's mouth (or somewhere else) and turn on the gas. A variation on this is one species or mutant trait that allows inflation.

3)Super/Mad Science: Aliens, ray guns, super bloatation serums . . . all fall into this category. If they try to explain it with science, it falls into this area.

4)Magic: Ancient temples, magic spells, devices, strange old men on the subway offering "something special," abraca-Ohmygodyourfloating!

5)Psychic: The most under-written category I believe, I've only ever seen one psychic inflation story but it was well written. Never the less, they exist.

6)Unexplained: My least favorite category, this just has some woman start filling up for no rhyme or reason.

If someone can think of another, please tell me, but (as I see it) these are the six major options. Hopefully, by laying these out, I might have inspired someone. Now, if only I could finish my own story.


Which was the pyschic inflation story... I've been thinking of something like this... where the inflatee gets full control over the inflator's every move.

I'm trying to think of other methods but I think you may have it all covered. I mean Altered Physics covers the majority and anything else must depend on something that might just be within the realms of possibility (sci-fi), or something that defies explaination (magic, psychic) if you don't go with these then you pretty much have to leave it unexplained.

Personally... I prefer Altered Physics, I think that most of my stories involve it. I just like the manual world of pumps and hoses and all that. I know what pumping up an air bed feels like so it's easy to transfer that across to pumping up a girl.

Which one is the story you're doing?


I can't remember the name of the story, and I haven't been able to find it in a while, but it involved a girl in a stage magician's show show. The Magician put the girl under hypnosis and, because of that, opened her latent psychic potential. She then proceeded to inflate the entire audience (under the magician's influence).

Personally, I have a few ideas around in my head, two 'Super Science' and one 'Altered Physics.' I just haven't gotten around to typing them.

Glad to know you like my little theory about six types.

LutherVKane's picture

I believe the story you're thinking about is Mondo the Great.


Ah, that's one of my favourites. But I wouldn't have called it psychic as the hypnotist wasn't really controlling the inflation... it was her own powers that caused her to inflate. I would like to see a psychic story where someone can inflate people just by thinking about it. I thought that's what you meant.

Inflate123's picture

I think it's fair to group psychic and hyponotic in the same "mental" category, though...I think they're closer to each other than anything else on the list. They're both wildly underused, I agree there!


No no, you misunderstood what I was saying. The GIRL was psychic, the hypnotist merely "Unlocked" her potential.

But yeah, even though he doesn't specifically say "psychic powers" in the story, it is pretty much a given that psychic is what the guy was aiming for.

Inflate123's picture

Oh. Oh! Okay, yeah, that's way underused. I didn't follow correctly, and that is a nice setup -- odd that it hasn't been used more.


Found another one that is supposed to by psychic (I think, again it doesn't stat explicitly). Careful, this one is furry inflation, so if you aren't a fan you may not want to look. Anywho, here it is.


I kind of like the voodoo-water-balloon sort. I remember seeing some comic pages on deviantart with that, but it was awhile back and I don't know if they're still around.

Really, I'd kind of like to see some belly-and/or-breast inflation stories. I'm not so particular as to the how, just so long as it's well-written.

There was one I really found myself getting into where a girl got curious while home alone and managed to inflate herself with her detatchable showerhead. That story gave me a few fun ideas.

dragon_6860's picture

Me, I almost always use "Magic" in all of my stories

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

Auriga's picture

I remember a story featuring 13-th floor (or matrix if you wish) like virtual reality. Unlike 'science' 3 rd category it is not unbearably stupid, so it is kind of special case :)


How about an alternate setting (preferred to use, "alternate setting" instead of "spin-off" or "parody" because of taste) that is using Death Note's abilities? But instead of telling how the target dies, it's telling how the target inflates. Psychic is interesting though, using the mind to manipulate the physical appearance and alternate suggestions without speaking, would be nice to have those particular stories out in the community. I'm not really into science, but I did use science to come up with explanations for how my characters can inflate. Magic? I think I saw a couple, but I did not like the instantaneous way towards magic. Why? It left many Unexplained, because there is no ritual happening, no penalties to show how willing is the target as he/she inflates themselves, and final reason; no dialogues, from what I'm learning, if there is no dialogues within the few key characters, it is not lively and the artist did not research for something that will liven up the artwork. Why not use the incantation, "Magnus Inflatio" or "Big Inflation" in Latin or something like, "Lationai heslio besni" or "Big Helium Inflation" in a random improptu language that I came up with out of thin air? As for Non-Inflation, inflation suits are fun to have around, they are convenient for any inflation stories that target the modest audience, they can also be used for the erotic stories, and best of all, it make bursting more enjoyable. Come to think of it, I hardly seen any erotic non-inflation stories. I did not do much research because of busy timing involving college and friends, including two-to-three projects.

*writing down the ideas* Cya later, back to work!
IMVU: JacquelynAlice09


Personally... I prefer the first three genras, but most of my stories so far fall under the 3 'Mad Science' genra. However, artistically I do all three, especial the 1st since it can be closely tied to BDSM fetishes. ( Nothing bets the idea of sticking a few two in a hole and then watching him squirm as a big blown up balloon. <___< )

However, haven't touch my writing in a while, and I feel I should. -_-;


which catagories would water, blueberry, fat and food enduced come under?
and has anyone (other than me) ever thought of dna, species (i do remember one alien one a while ago), or allergy (allergy to semen could have quite some intense usage). and what about wishing? i saw a youtube vid of a comic where a guy wishes to be attractive to his crush and he becomes a girl and inflates. and dont forget venom or injection by spiky plant.

Humans are weird yet facinate me so.


I would say water, food come under altered physics where if a person imbibes so much they just get bigger.

Blueberry is normally told as though it was some kind of magic, but you could do is a sci-fi inflation, and fat could similarly be told as magic or sci-fi.

I think what degausser was trying to do was establish categories for the wider scenario in which inflation is possible rather than for specific substances of inflation.

DNA sounds like a good idea, like someone has a genetic predisposition to inflation. The guy wishing to be attractive sounds kind of funny, even though I'm not into TG, just this idea that the girl was a lesbian who was into inflation maybe. Where is this vid?

BTW. I would guess that one comes under magic, while DNA, Alien, Allergy etc would probably be sci-fi.


Most of mine have something to do with me or my wife. So, i try to go realistic, but with a sci-fi twist that makes it possible. personally, i enjoy random female inflation. ((walking down the street and uh oh, you remember your chewing on violet's tasty gum))


mine are usually pseudo-science (The Race) or magic (Gas Suit). Still working on one with Amazons...

Fleetingsanity's picture

So far all my story ideas fall under science or magic category or a mix e.g. woman uses cream and can now blow her tits bigger up by blowing into her nipples. Or a woman uses magic powder and now when she drinks certain fluids her boobs grow etc... I never really tried to think of new ways I just come up with creative ways to use my more liked methods of growth. I might have to think on it and see if I can come up with something.

Thinking on the not inflation though you could do a story where virtual reality immersion has been perfected. Where you can plug your mind into a virtual world a-la The Matrix where it feels real except it's a place where your wildest dreams can come true. And you can do it about a couple who use this method to live out their fantasies or just a woman or a man (though male inflation is not my thing). I don't think I've ever read a story like that. That being said I do have plans to do a story like that lol.

Falcon Pawnch!