I bought the Freddy Krueger comic

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I bought the Freddy Krueger comic

Thanks to the tip of a deviant art user in response to one of my posts here, I found and purchased the Freddy Krueger comic that included a pretty nice inflation. I have already submitted the hi resolution scans to the screen capture gallery and I'm sure they'll find their way there sooner or later. I did not upload a picture of the afterwards part. It was exceptionally gory and even bursting fans would have a hard time finding an entire page filled with entrails arousing.

Incidentally, I'm done with this thing now that I've scanned it. I bought it for six dollars. If anyone else is interested in owning it (or even just looking at it and passing it on as I have), feel free to note me on deviantart or leave a message here with how I can contact you. I take paypal and I only want what I paid for it. All I did was look at it and then scan it. It was out of the bag for an hour max.

http://harrisonford08.deviantart.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ijartist/