Bursting story on Writing.com

A few years back, there was an interactive inflation story on Writing.com centered on bursting. Does anybody on here know of such a story?

I ask because I'm trying to find the author and see if I can get permission to repost the story.

Inflate123's picture

Can you offer any details of the story? Character names, scenarios, anything like that?


Some of the characters I remember being involved were Sora from Digimon, Tea and Mai from Yugioh, and Rouge the Bat from Sonic. Pretty much, if I recall correctly, you chose a character and an inflation substance.

Outside of that, I'm blank. Like I said, it was a few years ago when it was up.

I did find one of the people who participated in it. Here's the story he put up in it (I can't put a link to it because you have to be a member of the site to view it.)

The story:

It'd been a fairly uneventful morning for everybody's favorite busty batgirl so far. After getting up around noon, showering, and walking out into the kitchen of her sprawling hillside estate (being a jewel thief had its benefits) she'd gone to the door to get her package of bi-weekly delivered and very expensive super vitamin pills that helped her remain so spunky and agile as was her trademark.

"Hmmm ... nothing on the news, or any leads to another scheme as usual. Things have really slowed down these days."

Rouge sighs to herself, stirring her cereal idly, while the television blathers on in the background. Rouge herself is still dressed in her white night clothes.

"Well, nothing to do but continue to try I suppose."

Rouge knocks back her 'vitamins' and finishes the rest of the cereal, smacking her lips and making a face.

"Ugh. That did not taste right at all .. come to think of it, they must have changed the formula again.. these vitamins look totally different from last time."

Shrugging it off, Rouge goes off into the kitchen to wash her dish. Several minutes pass, the sound of the rushing water hides a slow and steady hissing from her own body.

Rouge shuts the faucet off and tilts her head down, catching a glimpse at herself.

"What the--?!"

Where her trim and fit stomach once was is now a very large and rounded belly passing the size of a volleyball, slowly but visibly growing under the thin white fabric of her nightgown under the prominent heaving curves of her bust. Pressing her hands against herself and finding out that it is indeed her body and not the clothing expanding, she glowers.

"What?! I'm .. blowing up? Somehow.. I KNEW there was something wrong about those pills! It had to be them. I'd better go find some way to fix this before I get any bigger.."

Rouge runs to her wardrobe to no avail -- none of her clothes are going to fit her in her expanded state. In the several minutes she'd wasted, she'd ballooned larger still. Her belly is nearly twice as big as when it started, her tan colored skin poking out of the gap between her waistband and her top, her bust now resembling two volleyballs straining at the flimsy white fabric -- and still growing steadily with the passage of time. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Rouge had to admit it felt nice, but .. now wasn't the time for that!

Grabbing the bottle of pills in a huff, Rouge awkwardly makes her way towards her garage with a mind to somehow make it to the distrobution center, surely they would know what's wrong..

Rouge makes the long, ponderous trek all the way to the other end of her sprawling house towards the garage end where her many cars are parked, ballooning all along the way, her body expanding larger and larger, she also finds herself getting lighter and lighter, having to adjust her walking to accomidate her tummy. Her loose nightgown is now not so loose at all as her body presses against the fabric. Her belly is nearly twice the size of a beach ball, each of her breasts nearly half as big. Growing aggrivated at not being able to move with any efficiency, she pauses to muse over her situation.

"Just what is this I'm being filled with? I feel so funny all of a sudden.."

The pills continue to do their job dutifully, releasing more and more helium into Rouge, pressing her well cared for skin and curvy figure out further from the pressure, making her lighter and lighter until ..

"Eep! I'm floating!?"

Rouge waves her arms and wings in a panic as she finds herself lifting off of the floor of her cavernous garage entirely. She tumbles around in mid-air a bit in a spinning fashion before her body finds its balance once more, her arms on either side of her very swollen, taut stomach.

"This just gets more and more strange.. but it could be worse, I guess.. it certainly doesn't hurt."

Finding her open garage door looming up ahead and not a handhold in sight, Rouge quickly slips out into the open air, rising up past her massive house in a matter of moments.

"Certainly somebody will be able to see me and will call for help .. I mean, I can't be that hard to miss in THIS shape.."

Unfortunately Rouge's small glimmer of hope turns to disappointment. The rural and secluded location of her house seals her fate and she soon finds herself floating much higher than she expected, rather than just hovering along the ground. Even worse, a noticeable pressure is building up inside her as her skin begins to resist the expansion. The decreasing air pressure around her isn't helping things either. Rouge soon finds herself surrounded by her skin as her body begins to round in a vain attempt to contain all the gas that's building up inside, her night clothes in shreds, limbs and neck growing thick and sausage-like as her now massive swollen chest and belly dominate her body with their size.

"Well, this little situation certainly hasn't turned out like I thought it would. No help, no way to contact anybody, and I can still feel myself growing. It does feel a little strange, but kind of good at the same time...I'm kind of floating aimlessly, but I'd have to come down sometime, right? ... Should I just enjoy my time up here..?"

Despite her precarious situation, the expansion is relaxing and so is the sensation of floating carelessly. She can't help but get a little hypnotized by it. Her rate of expansion picks up from a creep to a brisk, steady pace as she continues to rise higher. Rouge gives into the lovely expansion fully, closing her eyes, soft sighs escaping her as she relishes the feeling.

"Mmmm... this feeling is incredible .. I never would have imagined .."

She rises and swells still, her skin growing taut to the touch as her sides and back do their share of rounding, pushing her form out a little closer to the complete circle it is attempting to become, (though still dominated by her stomach and chest) even growing a little translucent as every last possible place gas can rush in her body is filled, her skin begining to shine with pressure like an over inflated balloon. Noticing the building tightness, Rouge eases one eye open, her face darkened by worry.

"Now it feels different now for some reason .. kind of .. tight.. and I'm not really getting bigger anymore .."

She continues to rise but with the ominous straining of Rouge's body it becomes clear simply can't take any more gas. Filled to her absolute limit, the bargirl gives a loud groan as painful realization hits her, her skin all around seeming to shiver in some vain attempt to stretch further when it clearly cannot.

"Ohh dear.."

Rouge looks over own vast expanse of inflated flesh, biting her lip, giving a groan at the sensation of incredible pressure before her world abruptly explodes.

... Back at Rouge's house, the TV continues on.

"In other news, the internet-based medicinal delivery service FastMedsNow is issuing a warning to it's consumers. Apparently, a foreign chemical formula in capsule form may have gotten mixed in with this weeks' deliveries due to a sorting error. The company is urging all of it's customers to check for any irregularities in their orders.."


darth_clone19's picture

See? Writing.com's search engine works.

Dont bother here. I started a super heroine inflation interactive I extensively promoted here and nobody went :(

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


I'm not really looking to advertise. I'm just trying to see if anyone on here knows what I'm talking about.


I went Darth! Then Writing.com shut off my account for no reason. :(

darth_clone19's picture

I know. Two people can;t make a decent interactive though lol

cboy, I know you are not advertising. Just letting you know people don't know much about that site here, or they think they'll get leprosy from it or something.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com