LVKane's Laws of Body Inflation

LOL. Funny 'cause it's true.

I think you just wrote my next ten forum sigs, LV.


That was funny. =D

darth_clone19's picture

I loved them ^_^

 -   Read my stories: 

JSK00's picture

Wait, there should be an extra law.

The Law of Universal Inflation: Inflation can take place under any circumstances. This includes bubbleflation, pillowfication, even back inflation.

I'm surprised he did not notice that.


These are hilarious!

First Law of Mutual Masculine Attraction: In every recorded case in history, sexual contact between two men has resulted in one of the men inflating and exploding.

Second Law of Mutual Masculine Attraction: As a consequence of the First Law, homosexual men are so rare that their existence is still considered by many to be a myth.

No wonder I can't find anyone... they all keep popping... without me none-the-less! TToTT


I loved the beat about how all inflation women are either lesbians, bisexual or at least bicurious; and this is coming from a guy who finds bisexual women sexy. :p


That is amusing on many, many levels.


It actually gave me some ideas for a story. a newly wed couple are on the plane to Hawaii, when the wife notices her husbands inflation meds on the plane, they both consume the pills and soon get so big the plane breaks apart,.. and well. if i told you the rest i'd loose my story :P


That was absolutely fantastic. It's important to keep a sense of humour about this. I almost wanted to show my wife that.


Inflate123's picture
