Good Youtube Vids

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Good Youtube Vids

Hi All,
I'm new to this web site and must say that I'm enjoying looking at everything on the site.
I have been an inflationist for years but only just gotten back into it after exploring other vices.
What's your favourite Youtube Inflation video everyone? Would love to hear.
P.S. My vids are at
Tell me what you think.


I think that suit expansion thing were someone lays on the ground and a group of people is watching how she(?) inflates. It's so awesome you see the legs are going to spread coused by pressure!
I think that video is removed...:(

blowup_boy's picture


Glad to see you on here as well.
Huge fan of your videos.
Everyone on here seems to be into female inflation only. So, atleast you know you have my interest.


Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


Thank you for your own work, there. It's interesting to see some new takes on outfits to use for inflation apparel.

LittlePumpkin wrote:
I think that suit expansion thing were someone lays on the ground and a group of people is watching how she(?) inflates. It's so awesome you see the legs are going to spread coused by pressure!
I think that video is removed...:(

I thiiiink that's the Very Annie Marie movie clip. Stands up at the end, pushes down on the suit, and lets it bounce back into place?


Yes yes, that's it :)


Hi Guys,
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
I don't need to tell you blowup_boy that your vids are my favourite on youtube, mind you, a close second is the user in youtube by the name of balloon802
He looks Japanese and actually gets in the balloons and then inflates a second ballon inside the first one while he is in it..... This squashes him between two inflated balloons.
I know its not actually technically inflating, but its still a fun concept.


The sense of pressure and size with the leg motion and all is pretty cool, true. And veery round.

LittlePumpkin wrote:
Yes yes, that's it :)