Some new inflation ideas

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Some new inflation ideas

I've come up with some new variations of inflation, which was inspired by none other than this Daffy Duck cartoon.

The first I'll call Pump Inflation, which is where the inflatee's body inflates and deflates rapidly, gradually growing bigger with each inflation.

The second I'll call Random Inflation, in which a part of a person's body, for example the breasts, swell up for a time, then deflate a short while later. But before they can relax, another part, ie the belly inflates. This soon deflates, but then another part inflates, leaving the inflatee guessing which part blows up next..

Sound interesting enough?

RenegadeKamui's picture

Those sound like great concepts! I like the fact that the inflatee knows she'll be blowing up repeatedly, and can't do anything about it. It adds a lot to the tension, wondering exactly what will happen next.

doubleintegral's picture

Might be a little too cartoony for my tastes, but there's nothing wrong with introducing some new ideas to the genre.


I like the first one

RenegadeKamui's picture

I just remembered a story that happens to feature both types of inflation mentioned here: "It's Just a Little Gas" by BigWillieStyle on


What a coincidence-one of the four 'founding fathers' of the inflation fetish for me (the others being The Big Wash, Porky's Super Service, and Home Made Home)! The classic Iron Lung gag.

I just got done studying it again a few weeks ago, and was currently reanimating it in Flash (Daffy Duck not talking during the entire ordeal leaves a lot to the imagination 8) )-always a cool coincidence when it pops up for someone else at the same time (and eery 8O ).


I like this concept to be honest, it is a bit cartoony, but some fresh looking material never goes amiss. I love the old stuff don't get me wrong, but keeping ideas fresh is a good idea. Hope it all works out for you