Inflation in dreams?

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Inflation in dreams?

Sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn't find the older post ^^;

Anyways, last night I had this dream where I was wondering down this old and really big hallway filled with all sorts of old antiques and what not, and from out of no where this girl wearing a dress shirt and business pants comes up to me and pulls me close to her and starts kissing me.

After that happens She says something about "being bloated", which I didn't really understand what she meant. Then to my surprise she just starts expanding and blowing up until shes a big round balloon floating up in the hallway. After that I woke up.

I'm not too sure what the dream meant with the big hallway and everything, but it was still really interesting to me. I've been thinking about it all day and am considering drawing it out.

Does anyone else here recall having any inflation dreams? Would love to read everyone's stories :D


This morning, I posted my dream here

So it was easy to find ;)