HUGE Tits Inflation & Expansion Movie Updates

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BambiBlaze's picture
HUGE Tits Inflation & Expansion Movie Updates

Hi Babes,

Here's my newest Breast Expansion movie, "Cowgirl Chronicles 2 (The Force Feeding)" featuring force feeding, expansion with lactation (chocolate milk), bondage, HUGE tit growth, new video & audio FX's, clothes destruction, & voice overs. My fans had a lot of new requests, and it was extremely fun making this movie.

Enjoy the vid caps! :)

Edit by LVK: Removed the last vid cap. Unfortunately exposed nipples, even of the rubber variety, can't be displayed in the forum.

***If a lot is good, more is better, and too much is just enough!***


mmm... chocolate milk....

BambiBlaze's picture

Hee hee. Yeah chocolate milk is yummy but not so easy to take when being forced down my throat! :lol:

Here's the link to the trailer for the 15 min. movie:


***If a lot is good, more is better, and too much is just enough!***