hmm brilliant story. I can't think where I would have originally seen it though, I've never heard of BelliusMaximus.
Looking for a story
This is one of my favourite stories and I can't remember it's name or author. But basically it is set in the basement of a fraternity house I think. There is a girl left there on her own and they've done something to her to make her inflate and are watching on CCTV. She works out that if she punches her stomach she will burp out all the gas, but then she stops to gloat at the watching boys and while she does her body bloats up until she can no longer move her arms so she gets too big and explodes.
Geez, that sounds like a good story, esp. if it comes with a thumbs-up from the Big C. Someone let me know if/when it's available somewhere other'n that Megaupload site, would ya?
well Vlad Drake pmed me the story... I guess I could pass it on to Luther and see if he'll upload it to the story archive. I don't know where the author is now.
Sorority blues, i think it's called.
Sorority Troubles
This was in my personal story archive, but for the life of me I can't remember where I got it.
edit: I think it may have been BelliusMaximus before it went down, which would explain why I can't find it again.