sugiered Kyrian.
Help me name a character
Okay, so I'm kinda asking for a bit of input here, as I'm making a new character, a 'helium dragon' and I need a name for her. I'm asking people for some suggestions on DevArt, and here as well. Send me a message either here or on DevArt if you want.
Here are the pictures of her:
And look at the most recent journaly entry at if you wanta rundown of her general character concept.
what about silphanos. silph is a word related to air, if i remember rightly the alchemists used it
Does she have a neck?
As for a name, Gravitas (it's latin for "weight", and thus the character, having the helium abilities, would defy it, might as well)
Baraynes Thesias. from the word, "Baranesthesia" or, "inability to perceive pressure" in greek.
I see it like that because from the artwork, the dragon-girl seems to never in a hint of fear when she is inflated.
Oooh, I like her. She uses the underused "blowkiss" method, and doesn't pop people. As for a about Maia? I don't know why, she just looks like a Maia to me.