A question for the chemists

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A question for the chemists

Hello folks
Can anyone please tell me which compound or element is the heaviest gas at room temperature?


Radon... but that's radioactive... Xenon is the heaviest non-hazardous gas.

Bacn's picture

Interesting place to ask. XD


Sulfur Hexafluoride is also heavy at room temp, 6 times denser than the air we breathe.


Please don't tell me you are going to use this stuff for real inflation.... I really suggest looking at medical journals to see if it has been tried before. If it hasn't then its best to NOT be the guinea pig.

Bellywolf wrote:
Please don't tell me you are going to use this stuff for real inflation.... I really suggest looking at medical journals to see if it has been tried before. If it hasn't then its best to NOT be the guinea pig.

Well, that's a bit of a large assumption there... I figure it was research for writing a story.

I find it intriguing just how much information some people have here. It all seems to be relevant in one way or other which is nice. ^_^

Maybe we should create some kind of inflation themed dictionary or thesaurus that we can all refer to in times of need.
And no, not a 'Wiki'. Remember what happened last time? -_-;

Inflate123's picture

I kinda thought it was for story research too. Golly, I hope we're not so crazy that we're getting a sliver of scientific info and then heading to our garage laboratories with it. :)

I remember having to ask if helium had a liquid state. And it did, along with some unfortunate side effects (like being intensely, hazardously cold). I used it in the story anyway. Enough science to ground it, but not so much that it has to prevent suspension of disbelief! :)