Huge balloon boobs

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Huge balloon boobs

Hello, first post here.

I'm mainly into BE and I'm also a (non-popper) balloon fetishist.

I recently posted 3 videos on youtube, but I'm not sure they're exactly the kind of videos that most people here are looking for. Still I needed a place to share these with people and hopefully get some (not too mean) comments.

The videos features me, doing some silly dancing with ridiculously large balloon boobs. There's no inflation happening in the videos, but obviously some was needed to inflate these huge balloons :)

I did try to make some rig to have the balloons inflate, using an electric pump, but my problem was that I couldn't get both balloon inflate at the same time.

Anyway, here are the videos (they're blurry, but it's on purpose).

Big balloon boobs

Bigger balloon boobs

Giant balloon boobs (can't get any bigger than that!)


the videos are private


Ditto, can't view them when they are set to private.

airtankgirl5's picture

Private fail.


We need friend requests to see your awesome vids

Here's my account


All aboard the fail train


You guys really need to keep in mind that these were posted about a year or two ago. Maybe the poster wanted them down for a reason. :?

Also, despite them being completely huge, it was a guy behind them. The videos were just him dancing around to some strange pop song.


ya just like all the other vids that creep onto the site, its always some form of manflation

airtankgirl5 wrote:
Actually, I chat with Sharkdude as often as I can. He's a cyber stud